Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Doldrums (We're All Phreaks Here)

Boy was it tough to get out of the sack today! My wife was positively snuggly! But I did, grabbed my gym bag and trudged into the gym about an hour later than I normally do.

I think I'm at the point in our sad, forlorn tale where we've reached The Doldrums. That part of the story that's glossed over with words like, "Six months later..." so we can all fast forward to see What Happened to Bill? Unfortunately the medium (this blog) I'm currently working in pretty much forbids that course of action.

What to do?

Well I'm devoting both remaining synapses to that problem and will most likely try a few experiments in this blog and at the gym to liven things up a bit (medicine ball dodge ball perhaps). Where I'm currently at, I weigh 203 and I'm just trying to hold on at this moment in time. The blush is off the rose and it feels like we're at the point where the wheat is separated from the chaff, a process that might take months.

I wonder how it will go? Will it be like drowning? Where you keep fighting to just get into the gym but grow wearier and wearier until you just sink into the couch with a bag of Doritos, lost. Endless toil? Pressed on the chain gang for twenty years, sentenced to everlasting repetition of the elliptical? I sometimes wonder about AT Everest down those lines, how does she stand it? That perpetual climb for the summit? Maybe it's like marriage where you have to put a little effort into it to keep things fresh? A BOSU ball??? How... KINKY! Let me try some of that, ohhhhh yummy... how's my butt look now baby? You try it! You know you wannnnttttt tooooooo.

Thing is, I don't know, not yet and the thing is it will be a least a little different for me than for you. My kinks will not be your kinks and if AT Everest can bang on that elliptical day after day, week after week, month after month then that's her thing and more power to her.

What I do know is I miss the bike, that rush of coming home after 10, 20, 50 miles. That feeling of having done the distance. Time doesn't interest me... yet. I could probably suit up this weekend and get out there but I don't have the cold weather gear and I'm eying thousands of dollars in gear come spring.

Anticipation... coupled with worthiness. Will I judge myself worthy for a real road bike?

Topics for another day, another time.

IronMan, goodMood, awesomeGirl, and a taciturn Kingsley were in the gym today. No ponyTail but I gotta tell ya true, I'm growing somewhat slightly dependent on that morning crew. They help with The Doldrums by just being there.

Find your kink (I think I've found my warm weather one) and bang on, we're all phreaks here.

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