Saturday, November 14, 2009

Class? What Do I Know About Class???!!!

I probably phrased that wrong, here's the thing. I'm taking this agile/scrum course and I'm actually kinda liking it but it chewed a huge hole in my ability to blog. So now it's Saturday night and yeah I've got some money unlike others and I actually went and worked out.

The weather is so fine that I rode my bike into the gym. First I stuck on the bicycle mirror my son gave me for my birthday, it attaches to the helmet and I think it will be pretty cool once I get use to it. Then, in order to go to the gym I had to...
  • butcher a weeping cherry tree (NOW it knows how to weep!)
  • mar rose bushes (in the name of pruning)
  • fertilized the lawn which is confusing since it's November, but I do what Scotts tells me to do
  • go to the mall with the family for cookies (the kids got great grades)
  • take a nap (critical for the upcoming exertions)
And finally, with autistic detail, cram as much crap into my bicycle trunk as I can. This consisted of (hmmmm, note to self, why am I into 'lists' suddenly?):
  • Clean shorts
  • Clean shirt,
  • Badge to get into gym
  • Key to get into empty locker but since I live in Surreal World I have to lock it to keep someone else from locking me out of it
  • Towel (this took up most of the space)
  • iPod
Stuck a water bottle in a cage, fired up the Garmin and cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West was off! Even though it was only three miles it felt good and the day was so beautiful that I just had to ring my bicycle bell. I hammered out a pretty good pace but I'm always disillusioned when I review the data. Average speed of 13.8mph? Every time I look at my speedometer I'm going 17mph but that's probably selective vision - sigh - goFast averages like 21mph on his rides, maybe one day. Maybe not but I sure do like riding that stupid bike.

I destroyed my abs and taunted my lazy wife (who's hot but drove in) while she did time on the elliptical. Then she took off since my son was near a nervous breakdown about getting to his band performance on time. Me? I grabbed a bike magazine and headed for the sauna. I was looking at 'inexpensive' stuff I didn't know I needed until I read the article for under $100. Fascinating. Then the magazine got too hot to hold and it was time for a shower.

I noted as I got dressed that I forgot clean undies so if you saw me riding home I was 'commando.' I'm a naughty gym rat. It was a fine day and I hope yours was at least as good!

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