Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Didja Vote?

Yep it's time to oh what's the phrase? Oh yeah, "Speak truth to power." So vote damn you!

The time change is effecting us all negatively and I'm beginning to believe we're thinking too small on this whole spring forward, fall back thing. On Sunday we should just roll back the entire day instead of this namby pamby hour. What's up with that?

I bet crankyIronMan would have been in a better mood today in the gym if we had done that. I hit the gym pretty early, did a total body for Tuesday thing, waved to Bubbles, hid from crankyIronMan, yakked with goodMood a bit and voted.

Now I'm monitoring a system and trying to get other things done or at least out of the way. Weighed in at 203.5 so there WILL be cardio. Yay OH YAY!!! ::rolls eyes::

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