If you look at the little silver turtle in the pic up above, he told me that each one is hand made when you arrive at the camp site. Some dude pours each one into a mold to make it and then files it down, so each one is unique. He's coveted that little turtle medallion ever since he joined his troop and now he has earned one. The Turtle only occurs every four years so this was his only crack at it as a Boy Scout.
Last Sunday we sat out back airing out his tent and sleeping bag and he told me about his hike. He named various places along the way so that he could remember them, they had names like the savanna, windy top, the marsh and The Hill. You climbed The Hill (you could hear my son capitalize it when describing it) on your way out and scouts who had done the hike before told him he'd recognize it when he got to it. He did. He said it had a major incline and was about two miles from the end. It sounded like a serious butt kicker.
Given all the operation feed hoopla and what not I wanted to make sure this accomplishment didn't get buried so I held off on posting it. I'm very proud of my son and his fait accompli

I'm gonna see my doc today ::BIG GRIN::
I have two docs and they both take VERY good care of me so I look forward to seeing them both which might strike you as weird but then, you haven't met them. They are awesome ladies and I loveth them.
So I'm in the gym early, continuing my flirtation with the ghostPeople and taking my time with the workout. My autism kicks in when I see someone had left the dumbbells out and about on the floor so I straighten those up and I'm nonplussed when I see that someone had left weights on the leg press. It's a nice gym so respect it please - sorry but I think that's gonna annoy me. Put your toys away and help Bill have a happy day :-)
During the second set on the BB Back Squat on the Assisted Smith I pull some weird muscle on my right thigh I didn't even know existed. Oh come on! First the shoulder and now this static?!
I'm falling apart here, right when it feels like I could hit my stride - GROAN.
Back off? Push through it? Decisions, decisions. I push through it hoping the weekend will let it heal, it doesn't feel bad, just a pull, nothing major like the shoulder. I did slow down but I finished the set.
IronMan strolls in and I notice his walk for the first time, he has a 'bring it' kind of attitude in his casual stride that is pretty cool, all jangley. He heads over to the leg press while I plop down on the chest press machine. I set it for 90lbs (Arnold I ain't!) and gently push it about a third of the way up before backing off and resetting the machine for thirty. IronMan calls over from the leg press, "Did that hurt Bill?"
I tell him, "Yeah a little" but I'm thinking how appreciative I am of the question. I want to work the shoulder a little to keep it loose but I'm not sure that's the best course of action. It intuitively feels like it is but is it? Anyway I'm so grateful to IronMan and others for keeping an eye on me. Thanks! I do two sets of ten at thirty which didn't feel bad.
During Bubbles ABS For Sissies Who Can't Handle The Real ABS Course I'm doing the dreaded alternating supermans/plank superset and thinking that I'll only do the first set, the supermans are kinda sucky today.
Gut Check Time.
Faster then I can type it I query the central database that is Bill's Brain asking myself if I REALLY want to get back to ABS class.
Yeah, I do.
I do the second set but I didn't enjoy it! ::glares at Bubbles::
Well I see my wife has 'volunteered' me to help move two dump trucks full of mulch over at my daughter's school tomorrow. I'm so glad it's raining right now getting the mulch nice and wet and heavy.
Weeeee! Life is good, have a GREAT weekend!

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