I will become one of them... ghostPeople.
I did the total body workout today ruing that I couldn't do it all. On the shoulder press I could feel IronMan's psychic glare and warmed it up with 30lbs and then upped it to 50lbs on the second set. It didn't bother me, however my inner thigh pull was bothering me until I squashed it with leg presses and the assisted Smith. Those I kept at full weight.
As I was doing Bubbles' ABS for Sissies in the closet so that I wouldn't get in AT Everest's way when she was doing her stretches in the other room, Diablo poked his head in - I guess, my face was staring at the carpet while doing alternating supermans - and says, "Bill when are you going to come out of the closet?" before wandering off chuckling.
Comedians - SHEESH!
I didn't even have time to drop by to say hi to him. After finishing up that ABS business I did a few stretches and then headed for the showers saying hi to Kojak as he strolled by.
I'm kinda looking forward to tomorrow's tempo workout - I feel like if I can beat myself into exhaustion I might drop this horrible work angst I'm feeling. Probably not, not until that gets rolling in a serious way.
I shower and step on the scale, 209lbs. I've lost 28 pounds, two to go for thirty but I don't plan to stop.
I guess my point is, I've hit a rough patch not exercise related and I'm going to do my DARNEDEST to keep coming into the gym and keep something of an even keel. I'm pretty certain that at least for this week Zumba and other fun things will be put on the back burner. Apologies for that.
I hope you have the best Monday ever!

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