I loathe the treadmill, I don't know what it is with me and that machine but I just feel dizzy on the goofy thing and have to hold the handrails, though I do it loosely, Bubbles doesn't LIKE toddlers who have to hold handrails. It decreases the workout-i-ness if you're not stomping on the treadmill and swinging your arms like you're in marching band.
So my rest phase was 3.3mph at 3% grade and my work phase was 4mph at 5.5%
Of COURSE my shoe came untied. stupid shoe
I've become a ghostPerson, at least for this week I guess. Got up at 4:15am and was on the treadmill for forty-five minutes at 5am. I was alone in my ghostliness but not for long. Kingsley showed up and hopped on the treadmill next to me.
We watched the news of DEATH FOG 2009 - THE NEW SWINE FLU?! with somber, solemn expressions, both of us wondering how we'd survive this latest onslaught. Thank heavens there were cub reporters spread throughout the city explaining how to 'be careful' and 'drive slowly' as the school delays started to roll in.
IronMan showed up looking glum, yeah join the club, there's a DEATH FOG!!! out there! He hopped on a different treadmill as I was wiping mine down. Must be treadmill Thursday.
I don't know what it is with the SLOB or SLOBS on the evening/night shift but someone decided that I should be the one who removes their weights from the leg press as I head over to do a RackRun!. It's irritating but I clean up after slobbyMcSlobberpants.
I do a run of 3-5-8-10-12-15 bicep curls but my shoulder sounds like it's full of gravel so I stop, shower, and now go to work hoping what I did was enough to get through today.
Cya later.

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