The alarm woke me at 4:15am and an hour later I'm on an upright bike wondering what I'm doing on it. The very second I start peddling on the goofy thing my thighs send a startled message up to my cerebral cortex...
"HEY! That hurts!"
"Suck it up."
"We don't wanna 'suck it up'"
"Look in fifteen minutes you'll be warm and ready to go..."
It never happened. My thighs seemed to be going through lactic PMS on a massive scale, the little crybabies, and for me, all alone in the command center I had to play a weird sort of interval game jacking my HR up by upping the level/resistance when it fell below the 144 line and backing off when it was around 150 so that I could keep going. I love my HR monitor for this sort of work, it's easier than gripping the grippy thingys. (Look exercise is full of highly technical equipment, we can't ALL learn the jargon.)
The entire time my thighs were burning. Yes, I have burning thighs. But this time they kept whining and complaining like a pair of recalcitrant two year old twins, unwilling to 'push through it' and just get on with the business at hand.
I was irked, "What is this happy crap?" I shout out to my thighs, "Like I need static from you two right now!"
They didn't care, continuing to throw their hissy fit.
With about fifteen minutes to go IronMan shows up and starts on the upright next to me. He didn't say much, he could tell I was having issues with my thighs.
I stagger off the machine and start stretching my dumb thighs immediately. Bubbles is walking Kojak through some new routine and I'm a bit envious, but my turn will come. I ask if I can borrow a towel and she says sure.
MarathonMan is over on a treadmill doing something awful to himself and the gym, for me anyway, has this weird vibe of surliness to it. It's probably my thighs channeling, but I thought everyone would be in better moods in Spring, then again look at your humble narrator. OK, I get it.
I grab a towel but I don't want to leave yet, I also don't have anything to do. awesomeGirl is next to me pointing to poor Kojak on the gym's new toy, a BOSU® Balance Trainer. IronMan was intrigued, needless to say.

It will take time to achieve that goal. Now there are all sorts of horrors to occupy our puny minds while we train for pairs and the certain corporate challenge that will follow. Like turning it over and trying to stand on the thing. Push-ups, sit-ups, there's nothing it can't do... except maybe Zumba! Bubbles, can BOSU® do Zumba!?
I can't wait to injure myself on the silly thing!

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