I get into the gym and just goof off. I phoned today in. I practiced on the treadmill, did some assisted Smiths and played around on the BOSU thingy. IronMan and Diablo were able to do pushups with their feet on the thing and their hands on a medicine ball - impressive. I kind of like the thing, just standing on it is difficult - for me anyway. I need to play with it more.
I didn't work up much sweat and muttered dark curses when I discovered that I forgot my towel for the second day in a row. Given Diablo's intimidating email yesterday about the towels I decided this wasn't a crises and hosed myself off with deodorant.
I saw JRock, wickedWoman and fiestyGirl in the cafeteria. JRock approached me and was talking about when am I'm going to select a date for our Friday fun evening at our house. She and allyMcBeal are growing weary of checking my dark, depressing blog for the date.
Maybe I should go Goth/Emo with this blog? My entries would read, "We, the gothletes , do know how death, depression, despair, grief, misery and sorrow feels every time we get on the StairClimber..."
Anyway the date is on my ever growing todo list but I really do need to buckle down and pick one SOON.
My son is finished with track and made me laugh during one of his races. He was the lead off runner on the 4 X 400 relay and managed to come in around the back of the pack. Not bad for him and he was pleased with it. He came over to talk to my wife and I while the third guy in his relay was running, by that point they were a good quarter lap behind the second to last guy. I pointed this out to him and he deadpanned, "Ah yes, the fruits of my labor."
The fruits of my labor... now there's a phrase to ponder.

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