Thus began a crafty game between me and 'the weather.' It provided the perfect excuse to dawdle and begin the arduous task of loading the bike. First came the ShamWow crises. My son had borrowed it and then commented, "even though it can't be found it isn't lost." I spent about nine seconds trying to parse that statement before bursting out laughing. It was found eventually and went into my snazzy bike trunk in case I had to wipe the bike down.
Next was just kind of puttering around, a lot like a dog I guess, wondering why I entered a particular room. I was also waiting for my wife since she said she wanted to go in too and both of us riding our bikes in sounded kinda fun. I take a real towel and and other stuff and pack the panniers. I also charge the Flea even though it was broad daylight, that took time :-)
Short of polishing the bike everything was set and my wife decided to drive in. It was windy outside and had a rainy feel to it but I was in the mood to ride the three miles in, it's a nice warm up. I figured the fifteen minutes in and back would equate to a low tempo workout and I could do whatever I felt like in the gym.
The ride in was uneventful and I wanted to mention to other bike commuters that someone (God bless them) put in some asphalt patch on those nasty gaps on the overpass.
Life is good.
When I get to the gym I decide to mess around with the BOSU, just trying to stand on it flat side up. I still need a pole, lacking the courage to do the IronMan jump onto the thing. Most folk I've seen on it are pretty stable, I seem to get this ping-pong thing going where I'm just bobbing on the thing like a Mexican Jumping Bean on speed. Obviously my core needs work.
Yesterday I was bad mouthing Katrina's wobbly performance of the V-sit with Trunk Rotation. I take that back. I tried a few, couldn't do one and until I master just sitting with my legs up on the goofy thing I better keep my fat mouth shut before even trying to move on it. I find this BOSU thing intriguing.
I did a few rack runs, took a long sauna and was startled that my wife was waiting for me when I came out of the locker room which I thought was nice. The wind going home was fierce. I had to PEDDLE on the downhill slope of the overpass to get the bike up to nine miles per hour which made me grin.
Got home safe and sound. I enjoyed it and will have to see if I can do it during the work week now.

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