Division directors and VPs can get me dangerously excited!
Now I'm off routine and must... improvise!!!
I dig through my gym bag and pull out my moleskine, this little notebook I carry around in case I have some really great idea that must be recorded for the ages! It's mostly blank.
As I'm writing stuff down ponyTail comes over and starts recording numbers on her sheet. She begins to covet my moleskine saying it's perfect for this sort of stuff. I had no idea I was so cool.
I think I remembered everything that I was supposed to do during this workout. I sadly remembered both sets of lunges :-( However the dumbbell lunges turned out to be a good thing! As I was, well hating them, I noticed ironMan over by the dumbbells selecting various paired dumbbells and laying them out in a obsessive compulsive order that appears to be common among gym folk. He then picked up the lightest pair and did alternating curls of eight reps (I think) working his way up to 25 pounds and then back down in some weird sort of sprint. By the end of it he was hurting. I call out from my wobbly perch on the step, "You can do it!" hoping it helps.
Afterward I go over to him letting him know that was totally awesome to see! He said forlornly, "I use to go to to thirty, now it's twenty five."
You ROCK hardcore. For what it's worth while I was watching your exhibition I started trying to do my little step lunges better, I tightened up - ya know? The next time I inadvertently have an EMT at the gym I'm soooo gonna have to try that. WOW!
If you look over at the sidebar you'll notice I have added a little poll that will run until Friday at 5PM. My son and I were discussing Kafka's The Metamorphosis for some reason and he got me laughing. He was wondering if I was the protagonist in the book what would I wake up as? An insect? Adonis? Or not at all (i.e. dead)?
Let's find out! Cast your votes if you wanna!

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