C'mon push it, you can do it
C'mon prove it, nothing to it
C'mon use it, let's get through it
C'mon push it, you can do it
C'mon prove it, nothing to it
C'mon use it, let's get through it
C'mon push it, you can do it
Motivates me to no end.
What's my point?... where did I put it... I really should start writing this stuff down instead of making it up on the fly... Oh yeah, the song comes on yesterday when I was on the bike and I started thinking (sorry wife), "You know the Chinese have the year of the Ox right now so I think I'm going to make February the month of pushing it."
I do my best thinking when my brain is oxygen starved. So I have no plan and began to implement it today on Total Body Monday! I up the minutes on the machines across the board, and do the other exercises with increased determination. The stair climber jacked my HR up to 160bpm having me hang in the 158-160 range for about two minutes and I stagger off that bad boy feeling pretty pukey.
I'm going to try and push it at the gym, at work, and particularly at home.
I will most likely crash and burn, flaming across the sky like at butterball turkey screaming, "Weeeeeee!!!"
So what. At least I tried, well that's still a BIG TBD. I could hop on this blog tomorrow and declare with equal zeal, "February is the Month of Lethargy and Indifference."
Wanna watch?
Push it, make the beats go harder!

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