Even waking up with a gloat filled heart, the day started off filled with rage and storm clouds. My wife, whom I adore above all others had forgotten to plug in the iPod and I was certain it was kaput. I fish around in that cavern she calls a purse pull it out and flip it on.
Full charge. Doves lit on my shoulders, butterflies danced and my day brightened considerably. All was forgiven.
In the locker I formally introduce myself to the other early riser. I've been struggling with a name for both of them for weeks even resorting to asking his wife if she might have any pet names for the boy, you know like pookie or teddy bear? She clams up on that front informing me I'm on my own. So I go back to pondering and decide on IronMan. What sealed it was watching him on the dread stair climber, hands behind his back in defiance! No clinging to the rails, gasping out faint pleas for mercy, sobbing like a pansy... like me. IronMan it is.
Still reveling in my rebel without a clue mindset I forgo, yes forgo the treadmill and do my intervals on the elliptical. I glower at my trainer like a recalcitrant teenager! mmhmm... that's right I'm glowering... ok look my left knee is bugging me and there's talk of a Fun Run tomorrow (more on that later) and I don't want to injure it and end up limping around like notFestus (smile, I just HAD to do it, forgive me - it's not a permanent name!!!).
I hop off the elliptical all sweaty and gross and see it's a good thirty minutes before abs... I could just leave but deep down I don't wanna.
I approach goodMood telling him my biceps yearn to burn like my thighs (my trainer was taking FNG or maybe awesomeGirl at the time through their personally designed circles of hell) and he helps me out saying it might not be the best idea to start out with the fifty pound dumbbells that I was considering. I have a nice burn with fifteen pounders at the end of the reps, hey it's a start!
I then spot AllyMcBeal wondering through a maze of exercise equipment and ask for some legal advice. Mums the word on that though, attorney-client privilege ya know. She then informs me she reads my blog.
I'm certain I blushed! Listen, I really should hush about it but thank all of you! for keeping an eye on me! It soooo helps keep me going! Thanks!
Then it was time for abs class. I think I did a little better. I was kind of watching the clock so I can say I broke around the five minute mark. I asked someone to take my picture so you could see my quivering lower lip...

My trainer got annoyed with me once when she had us performing some bizarre act with the balls that even seals would blanch at. You're in some sort of V, well I was trying for a V but it was probably closer to a dash, i.e. flat on my back, and then your suppose to do something like a crunch maybe (I'm pretty sure I blacked out) and she says over in my direction, "Try at least TWO!" I'm pretty sure it was at me since the rest of the class had kind of inched away from me and I was between the TOSRVs. I know she wasn't talking to them. I try, my stomach feeling like John Hurt's must have in Alien. I sorta did them :-) sorta...
I'm always amazed that I have anything to say but this place is just so full of... life! And there are so many interesting characters. OK one more thing and I'll hush.
Monday I got the following email:
Hi Bill,
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and I am proud of your commitment and adventurous spirit. That said, I see that the forecast for Friday is looking quite promising…almost spring-like. So, pack your gear for Friday's Fun Run, and get some good cardio, calisthenics and camaraderie. You wouldn’t want to miss it!
I make some sort of lame reply while frantically checking for any meeting I could attend. Nope. Now this person works in finance so she's used to predicting weather and it looks like she might be right.
I'm hoping notFestus might feel up for it but it looks doubtful, then it could be Ahab because of my knee and notFestus keeping me company while watching the herd disappear into the distance.
Well I need to do
Be Well
PS: notFestus will not be this individual's name but honestly it was like waving an O2 mask and an IV in front of me when I'm on the stair climber :-)

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