I'm mildly indifferent, it's workout time. Though I hope MarathonMan got a night off, sheesh!
I walk out of the lockers with IronMan and we stare down the hallway into... darkness.
I can hear the whir of AT Everest's elliptical. Oddly the TVs are on providing ambiance. As we enter the room I see AT Everest (how does she do that day after day?), ponyTail, and two others that might need names all on various machines. Their faces illuminated by the control panels like tiny campfires.
They look over at me, ghostly apparitions. Hardcore. People who smirk at this implicit wrath of God.
I hop on my elliptical for my seven and begin considering the placement of the scented candles, perhaps a breakfast bar, I'm certain the cafeteria would have no problem bringing over something. I have my little moleskine with me - I'll take orders. I wonder if the Sirius radio has some Barry White 24/7...
The lights are slowly coming back on. awesomeGirl comes in questioning why it's so dark to which I reply, "We like it that way!" She joins IronMan on a stair climber, IronMan has his set to level 205 or something.
We bang on for a bit when suddenly WHACK the power goes out again but only briefly, this was enough of an interruption to cause the satellite TVs to reboot. The stair climbers and treadmills begin working again.
I'm off my elliptical and suggesting that maybe we're all pushing it a bit here, that the Lord is suggesting we go to Bob Evens today. My helpful suggestion is ignored and workouts continue.
The stream of profanity that issued from awesomeGirl's mouth peeled paint right off the walls. OK, OK, I am embellishing, but I think it's fair to say that awesomeGirl was NOT pleased with this latest interruption to her stair climber ordeal.
I go to a drinking fountain to refill my water bottle. As I head back I hear the soft clink of weights and the hum of the machines. It brings a smile to my face, yeah, I'm hooked, go figure.
I'm not into it today but I'm determined to get through it. goodMood assures me that you have days like that. This is reflected in my heart chart - I just couldn't get my HR up today, did the RackRuns! take it out of me?
The lights flick on and normal Friday activity resumes.
I see IronMan demonstrating by example some new horror, he's strapped himself into the Rack of Abdominal Despair. This device, fresh from 'ze camps' has you put your elbows into these straps and then hoist your legs up (bent) as high as you can, without swinging! IronMan was adamant about that. THERE IS NO SWINGING ON THE RACK OF ABDOMINAL DESPAIR GOSH DARN-IT!!!
Naturally I have to try it. I manage to hoist my legs up to near ninety degrees with my abs calling out a bit of discomfort and then had to repeat because swinging was detected. OK, no swinging, hoist legs up, got it. I resume the dreaded dumbbell lunges.
IronMan ups the ante by putting an eight pound medicine ball on the floor, picking it up between his feet and hoisting his legs up.
Naturally I have to try it. I manage to hoist my legs up to near ninety degrees with my abs screaming out, "HEY! Half-wit did you forget about ABS class yesterday?! HUH?!"
ponyTail and Kojak do it too.
I plop down next to awesomeGirl on an open recombinant and ask what she made of the ABS class, she shudders at the recollection of the Planks of Eternal Torment but overall thought the class was doable. I forgot to ask if she'll be back, I guess I'll find out on Tuesday.
Tuesday/Thursday have grown into additional exercises for me without me even noticing. Now I'm doing ABS and RackRuns! and even looking forward to it, well sorta :-)
One final thing. According to the poll I took last week, three out of five people think I'll be able to reach my inner Adonis before it kills me. I like those odds!
Have a fantastic weekend!

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