MacArthur Park by Richard Harris stands as the greatest workout song of all time! There I said it... oh for cryin' out loud! If I could reach through the monitor I would give you SUCH a pinch! I see you guys rocking out to... something, WHAT IS IT?! What is your current fave when you're suffering on a machine or just trying to get through it?
"I don't understand why you wont try avocados, they're completely bland!
"That's what you said about potatoes!"
That recent conversation between my wife and daughter flits through my mind as I ponder last Friday's bout of email madness. First it was the Friday Fun Run and now its something called Conquer a BILLY BLANK TAE-BO Challenge TAPE. I'm reading the email exchange feeling a lot like the first time I tried to watch a cricket match. Everyone seems to know the rules but me.
Whatever it is, it will kick my butt and be fun with all the folk about. However I'm having the mental conversation, "Really Bill I don't understand why you wont try medicine ball volleyball, it's completely fun!"
"That's what you said about fire-jogging!"
I'm gonna have to man up, but 1PM on a Friday will make for interesting scheduling for yours truly. I'm having parallel conversations with my son, "Go out for cross country!"
"I'm a terrible runner."
I stare at him, "You've never tried, so how do you know?"
Unfortunately this is the month of 'Push It' (three days in and looking already like a kinda sucky month - I'm giving SERIOUS thought to making March the month of excessive drinking) so I will try these new things and attempt to get my son to try by example. He's an avid reader of this blog (I love that!) and enjoys my adventures in exercise. Now don't get me wrong, (queue the proud papa music) he's one smart, tough kid, a wrestler. He recently had a Herbst Appliance installed in his mouth.

I want him (and myself) to move beyond conjecture into practical knowledge. I can't really say how awful or wonderful a Friday Fun Run is until I actually try it. Plus I'm dying to blog it, but I will wait for the weather to break.
Today was a total body push it - bleh. I upped all times on the machines to seven minutes (max allowed for this workout, too bad, so sad) and started getting through it. I think I'm doing better on the lunges which means I probably have to drag my trainer out, I'm obviously doing something wrong. There was mild drama with the treadmill, so it's lap four on the metrics. I forgot what I was suppose to do already wishing it was Thursday and I was past the machine that shall not be named - sigh.
And then... The Dreaded One! You know what? I did it! mmhmm. I think the IV helped. I did seven minutes on the stair climber at level five, which is something like 12,478 floors climbed or one lap on the stairs at a Friday Fun Run.
I stagger off that insult to all that is virtuous and wheeze the breeze with a trainer. He's checking on me which I appreciate to no end. His biggest concern is burn out, he wants my suffering to last for decades not a few namby pamby months - that's for wimps!
Tomorrow, my routine on the balance beam, or treadmill depending on your perspective. I wonder how I'll 'push it' on that puppy?
Nibbling on endorphins and hoping you are too!

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