Let's get started ::cracks knuckles::
Diablo enters the gym dragging ponyTail behind him. He's carrying a clipboard, a new Librarian routine has been developed. He goes over and hauls goodMood off of one of the stair climbers not daring to mess with awesomeGirl, today's pecking order brutally established.
I'm acting invisible on one of the ellipticals and goodMood comes over next to me and AT Everest and starts getting his HR up.
Diablo appears to be in something of a good mood as hapless ponyTail mounts the stair climber. He announces to the suffering crowd, "Today I am The Librarian!" Suddenly his eyes dart around in panic before locking on mine, "That had better not end up in your blog!!!"
No worries Diablo. I wouldn't dream of it.
theLibrarian is an internal name for my trainer. She wears these funky glasses that actually work for her but also endow her with an authoritarian aspect. Frankly she scares me a wittle, I'm constantly expecting her to shhhh! me.
I'm doing my total body workout today so I can mingle and not just observe, running around from machine to machine in delight, having fun. I remind goodMood, who's resumed his perch on the stair climber to ask IronMan about the rack run. I've been informed in email that's what his awesome feat is called, a rack run.
I learn the next rack run will be Tuesday, February 24th. I think it will be a bicep bitch fest of epic proportions! Who will succumb to lactic lethargy first? IronMan or goodMood? Thing is I wanna play but don't put any money on me unless the 'fix' is in.
After the poll is over I'm going to put an upcoming events thingy over there in its place - like Friday Fun Runs etc - there seems to be something always going on!
DiabloLibrarian is showing ponyTail some thing... you're in a plank position holding dumbbells and then you're suppose to raise one arm straight back. I'm watching closely from an upright bike constantly on the lookout for a new way to hurt myself. ponyTail does one but is not happy. I want to make her feel better by illustrating what NOT to do and see what happens when I try, so I ask if I can give it a go. I actually do one! You would have busted a gut if you could have seen all three of our faces, dumb shock!
I notice AllyMcBeal over on the stair climber strolling her way up to her eighty-sixth floor office. Being a good gym denizen I figure I should warn her, "Listen, Diablo thinks he's the Librarian today... you might want to humor him." She grins, saying something like, "OK" and leaving me with the impression this isn't the first time this has happened.
I'm just a busy bee over by the kowtow machine, hiding behind it, doing my dumbbell step lunges. goodMood is on the thigh destroyer giving DiabloLibrarian static as he walks by with a medicine ball. Is he insane? You never taunt a temporarily gender confused trainer holding a medicine ball!
At one point JRock shows up glaring about the gym in her overcoat. Uh oh. I stroll over half wondering what IronMan did before discovering she's on The Case of the Missing Umbrella! I'd name her NancyDrew if she didn't already have a name.
As I'm headed to the recombinant I notice ponyTail and DiabloLibrarian doing an extremely difficult 'synchronized ABS' routine. As the American judge I have to give them a 6.0 since the East German 'woman' was about a quarter beat behind her American partner. Immediately DiabloLibrarian is in my face questioning the call! It was quite intimidating but I held my ground. He goes back to torturing ponyTail.
I'm rethinking the soap opera aspects of this place. theLibrarian is on to something...
Have a Freaky (or Phreaky) Friday and a fantastic weekend y'all!!!

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