The corrections were to names. One was because somebody let something slip in an email - silly rabbit! The other was the temp name 'MyFormerBoss,' even as a temp name I hated it! It sounded like we went through some horrible divorce, "Yeah she got the pay grade and I got this dinky cubicle..."
While I was taking it easy on the bike today, protecting my knee, I thought about it. I've known this girl forever, she's got a slavicy sounding name, she's a dook fan - though unforgivable we all have faults, she's a cool chick. coolChick. If you say it fast it has a slavicy ring to it... bingo.
Throughout the rest of the day my knee both stiffened up and got simultaneously tender. It's pretty cross with me and very
I did the best I could at the GirlScout disco dance, stiff as a board, a quarter-beat off the rhythm, my date ignoring me while she gabbed with her friends. Wow, just like high school! Tears of remembrance flowed down my cheeks, which is how I ended up in the attic calling down through the access hole to my wife.
"Honey, have you seen the bong? I can't find it!"
"Michael Phelps took it."
"Tell him I want it back!"
Bits and pieces of yesterday's Fun Run are coming back. I had a morning conversation with my trainer when I dropped by the gym and she told me to ice the knee after the run. I dutifully filled my trusty water bottle with ice figuring it would be pretty cold when I got back, and it was, so I drank it!
Note to self, one is thirsty and a tad disoriented after a fun run - double up on the ice!
As I was wrapping up yesterday's blog entry the phone rang, I glance over at it and it say's something like, "Irked Trainer" I'm thinking, "Oh no they found the tape!" I answer it asking, "What did I do now?"
He says, "Nothing, but we're still looking!"
It turns out they'd like to use some of the pics I took of the gym for a recruitment drive and he was wondering if that would be OK. I'm mega flattered! My 'self-portrait' should bring them in in droves! Sadly, that one didn't make the cut but he tells me which ones and I zip them up and send them on their way. I hope it helps increase membership to the gym! The pics Patsy took of the ladies locker room should help too if they use them!
I'm certain the recruitment drive will be a success - with these trainers, this facility and the goofballs who already inhabit it who wouldn't want to come plaaayyyy??? I just hope the Lord will toss me a bone and I'll have a few easy names like facialTic or pegLeg.
While describing one of the pics he was after he says, "You can just see the corner of the Roman Chair."
My mind immediately jumps tracks. Roman Chair?! Why that sounds positively medieval! "OK Bill you pantywaist, since you're whining get your butt over to THE ROMAN CHAIR! You're in time out for ten minutes mister! Lift those legs crybaby!!! DON'T YOU MAKE ME COME OVER THERE!"
Then he says I should consider writing professionally. He'd buy my book, again I'm beyond flattered. He's not the first to make that observation. With all these folk helping me with my confidence... you might have noticed, I seem to enjoy writing. A line from Round Here floats by...
But the girl on car in the parking lot says, "Man you should try to take a shot"
Maybe I will :-)This morning, while limping to the bike there's a girl on the stair climber flying on it, like she's trying out to be a fireman or a Navy Seal. I didn't know the machine could go that fast, seriously! Spidey might have a bit-o-competition on a Fun Run... mmhmm. She pauses the machine, pops out her ear buds and I ask her what level is the machine at, nine billion? She says, "Something like that - this machine makes me feel like I'm getting a workout!" while taking a swig of water. She tells me she normally does thirty or so minutes on it but has to cut it short today before restarting the devil's appliance and flying up the stairs, clutching the rails not for support but to keep from running right over the top of the thing.
I listen to the whine of the machine, a grin breaking out across my face.
Yep! The Stair Climber was WHINING!
Oh this is going to be a gooood day!

PS: My thighs burn... for my wife! :-) Happy Valentine's Day y'all!
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