Oddly no one is at the gym at this time of day, go figure. I was debating about doing thirty on the elliptical and thirty on the bike. The elliptical decided it for me. I chose quick start and it gives me some insolent, "Sixty minutes or are you...
I push 'Bring it!' and it is on!
Only then did I notice the mistakes I had made, fool that I am. When I got in, I tuned in FoxNews on one TV and Fox on another since that station was showing the beautiful people yakking about how 'tough' their latest shoot was since they had to get up at 4am and act for twelve straight hours before getting their twenty million dollar paycheck.
::rolls eyes::
So I'm humping along on the elliptical when suddenly Fox treacherously switches to infomercials. Some is dude trying to convince me it's in all our interests if I buy Franklin Mint coins and FoxNews doesn't have it's closed caption on so I can't follow much there except some doctor and his former wife are in a battle royal over the kidney he gave her during the days of wine and roses. Life is strange.
But it's quiet and BORING and I'm stuck on this machine because I simply can not get off of it to turn on the radio, so deep is my psychosis.
The gym periodically emits this noise that sounds exactly like someone playing racquetball. Ghosts of past matches I suppose as I trudge along in the haunted gym.
I've got a nice sweat going but I'm not really pushing it, I just want to go the distance with an average heart rate of 120 and it looks like I'm going to do that. Vengeance for my failed attempt on Wednesday.
With about five minutes left another soul enters the gym. He asks if I minded if he turned on the radio. He looks askance at me when I blurt out, "Dear sweet, merciful Lord, please turn on the radio!"
I finish out my routine to The Weight and Baba O'reilly. As I entered cool down I began thinking, back on the 28th of December I lasted four whole minutes on this machine before staggering off it in despair. Today I just went sixty five :-)
I eye the stair climber before I head to the showers.

Wanna see?
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