I really just want to give a sincere Thank You!!! to those that do peep this out from time to time, it really does help. So, um, thanks! :-)
I was talking to one of the trainers today and he said something that caught my ear, "Exercise should energize," and then went on to say that if you're not feeling that way you might want to back off a bit. He's been doing this gig for eighteen years and so has oodles of experience and the most common thing he sees is people coming out of the gates too fast and three months later they're gone. I do not want to end up in that stat column.
Here's the thing. I am feeling oodles of energy, well OK, how about I'm feeling better? But this energy thing might have led to yesterday's fun and games fiasco. The lesson I need to take away (I think) is that on a rest day you really shouldn't push it. Next Sunday I may not go in at all (sweat breaks out across forehead) or maybe just go in for a long sauna.
So this morning at 4:54am the alarm goes off and I climb out of bed and am greeted by a nice pulled muscle. I want to say its the thigh but that's not quite right, when you lift your leg up to put on a sock. OH BABY! Yeah it's that one. I pop a few Tylenol to deal with that.
I start my total body workout and don't hit any snags until I get to 'On Step DB Lunge' because I'm not sure how to do it. I do my best but I want someone who knows what they're doing to give me a look-see. Oh and by the way the treadmill totally destroyed me in the five and a half minutes we were together. At 4:45 my double knotted shoe lace came untied which was irritating but I just went the distance. These shoes must be near end of life - sheesh!
If you look at the odd laps, those were the times with the machines. Elliptical, treadmill and stair climber. During my time with the stair climber I mentioned that I was REALLY SORRY I gave it some 'tude on Saturday, I was drunk! It didn't buy it and just kept remorselessly chugging along. Gawd I hate that machine!

Be well.
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