I get in about 5:30 and finally hop on an elliptical at 5:45. It's a total body sort of day and I want to push it a tad. I glance at AT Everest but she has her ear buds in, pounding away on her elliptical. I'm dead to her.
I'm glancing at the news on the TV and there are some school closings but mostly in far away remote counties, meaning not mine. The news/weather teams are struggling, trying to find a story, making halfhearted attempts at The Killer Cold! but unable to get into a full lather about it. I smirk, we're suppose to be some sort of nation of free press and blah blah blah but they've become, over the last few years, the last place I look to for facts. Facts are boring, so I have started treating TV 'news' like a sitcom, it goes down better then if you were to take them seriously.
The gym is filling up. Marathon Man comes in and I ask him how he's going to kill himself today?
I'm logging some stat on my workout sheet when I glance down the hallway and there stands, MY TRAINER! EEEEEEKKKKKKKK! I have no idea why I feel like I've been doing something bad, probably because I didn't lunge-walk to the desk. In a panic I glance at the treadmills, reaching the point in my routine where I get to wallow in misery on that thing for six minutes.
Oh NO! Why must my life be filled with drama???
All the treadmills are in use! This is not in the routine! And they're in use by hard core people, weird folk who seem to enjoy walking/jogging, for example Marathon Man is on and probably wont get off of it until next Tuesday.
Filled with anxiety I approach my mommy trainer. Trying hard not to sound like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man I state the obvious, "Um, all the treadmills are in use. I'm suppose to do the treadmill now."
"Let's work on your DB Lunges."
We are WAY off the beaten path here, DB lunges are after the treadmill! One of the things I like about my trainer is that she pushes me and doesn't even notice - I think I probably need to vary my routine - do a fun run - try new stuff. Push that comfort zone - ya know? I mean other than pain, failure and misery what could happen?
She sets up the step right in front of the mirror and I feel all eyes in the gym turn towards me. I shouldn't have worn a white t-shirt today. I look like an egg. GROAN. I 'man up' and do the lunges. She tells me I'm doing much better with them, that my form has improved. I also learn that this will help with my balance and my core muscle strength.
She lost me at I'm doing better at them - big goofy grin.
I get through the rest of the routine doing another six minutes on the dread stair climber in preparation for the Friday Fun Run. As I'm stumbling around after that bit of joy I see Marathon Man climbing off the treadmill soaked in sweat. He calls out to me, "I liked what you said about endorphins yesterday, in about an hour I'll be swimming in them."
I'm trying to figure out a delicate way to ask what his blood type is, the beginnings of a plan to steal his endorphins taking shape... nah, it's probably illegal. I'll just make my own.
I annoy the trainer one more time asking if there's a schedule of these cult/courses being taught. She hands me one. I'll let you know when I do the ab course - fifteen minutes - how bad can it be?
As I'm leaving a married couple comes in. I know them well and will have to think of names for them. He mutters guiltily, "Yeah, I know, we're coming in a bit late."
"I shall notify the trainer!"
"I just hope I don't end up in your blog!"
:-) No worries.
Please have a fantastic weekend! Tomorrow I weigh in - nervous giggle, wrings hands.

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