Everything went OK with the workout today, though I'm feeling a bit queasy so I hope that sniffley dude in the pew behind me at church yesterday didn't give me anything, plus he was one of those singers who thought his rich baritone should be shared all across the nape of my neck. I don't know why but I despised him - LOL!
I wore my new shoes in today :-) I looked quite dashing and they helped with the dreaded DB lunges (I'm starting to loathe them with the same intensity I have for the stair climber - I need to shoot for six minutes on that affront to God next time). I still SUCK at the lunges, bitter sigh. Do the trainers offer a remedial course on DB lunges?
As usual the odd laps are on the machines, elliptical, treadmill and stair climber. In that order.
It's Monday - go ahead and have a GREAT one!

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