I was looking forward to this workout all week long! Seriously! My two goals were:
- Use the bike to start training those muscles for summer
- Go sixty minutes with an average bpm of 120
I remembered my lessons from last week and plugged in some close captioned thing and ignored it, all I learned was it was cold outside. REALLY?! The win for me was bringing in an iPod.
Tangled Up in Blue comes through the ear buds and it was just... perfect. I'm pedaling along, humming and hanging with Bob and somewhere in the second verse I start singing. Out loud. It was fun and kinda naughty!
I wish my heartfelt rendition of Bobby McGee had been recorded, maybe they can get a four-track in the gym? Joplin has NOTHING on me!
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose,
Nothing, that's all that Bobby left me, yeah,
Bobby's a jerk.Nothing, that's all that Bobby left me, yeah,
I'm pedaling along when yet another brilliant idea hits me! Harmonica Holders!!! They're hands free and the trainers could hold classes with Bob Dylan and/or Neil Yong music and we could all wail along with them... in harmony... think about it.
Naturally there was drama. If you look at the heart chart it occurs about the one hour mark. I had been ignoring it for about fifteen minutes but could stand it no longer.
I HAD to pee.
Where are Depends when you need them? This is a real dilemma for yours truly. I have about twelve minutes to go and I'm doing well and want to go the distance. DARN IT! I hop off the bike and spin the pedals to keep it going and walk/limp to the potty. I seem to have pulled a muscle, sigh.
By the time I get back the dumb machine was turned off. I plugged in the remaining time and finished up.
Somewhere around the five minute mark Marathon Man comes in interrupting a dead on impersonation of Gwen Stefani. I'm suddenly shy. I resist the urge to sing out to him,
Let me hear you say, "This ship is bananas, B A N A N A S"
Though it did seem apropo, and yeah I deliberately typoed one of the words but my kid reads this blog so cut me a little slack :-) We nod to each other.
As I'm limping to the showers I notice him taking out his ear buds. He's warming up on the elliptical and just starting to get into it. He says, "Can you send me the URL to your blog?"
"OK, why?"
"Well I hear I'm called Marathon Man or something."
"Yep!" I explain that I don't refer to anyone by their name since this is a public blog.
I'll send him the URL, coolies, perhaps another reader :-)

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