It's too early in the evening for the real news, are the schools closed, on some X hour delay or open? This is what matters. I'm surprised they haven't closed already. Aren't they listening?!
I get up at about a quarter to five. Today is my second favorite workout, the tempo workout. I want to do 144bpm for 45 mins and have already eaten the banana, suited up and am oh so ready! I watch the garage door open, steeling myself for the winter horror.
Hmmmm, maybe a half inch. Pretty bad, mmhmm. I trudge down the driveway getting the paper glad I payed close attention to some cub reporter stuck outside last night who taught me how to walk on snow - rolls eyes. Central Ohio news can be pretty amusing at times.
As I climb into the car I hear a whine from one of the cages. I glance at the dog sled team I impulse purchased yesterday, because my psychosis runs so deep that if the workout doesn't occur on the hallowed grounds of the gym - it DOES NOT count! Any fool knows that. The dog sled team was insurance. I might need them tomorrow though so I'll wait before returning them to Lowes.
I hop on the elliptical and can't seem to get my heart rate up - it's not in the mood I guess and eek out a disappointing 67% trainer based Max HR overall and 68% for the forty-five minutes I was shooting for... bitter sigh. Better luck next time.
I'm studying the TV looking for word on the schools. Counties to the south of us seem to be having problems but I can discern nothing for my school district. You can see right around the thirty five minute mark - where I sacrificed my stride - to call my wife and report in attempting to keep my balance on the elliptical and talk at the same time - it was kind of challenging. I tell her I'm seeing nothing and she should check the web because I suspect I'm missing something. I mean not even a two hour delay? This is a death storm for crying out loud!
My wife and I need to pay close attention to this because our kids are not quite old enough to be left home alone and a school closing or delay will play major havoc with one of our schedules at work.
The weather/news teams appear to be making the best of it. Starting to bore on about freezing rain and pinning their hopes on this afternoon and the second wave of white death that is nigh approaching! I hope to wake up tomorrow to a bunch of glum faces staring back at me from the TV screen.
I can't wait until tomorrow! I can see me trudging across the vast tundra with two tennis rackets strapped to my feet trying to get into the gym :-)
Be well.

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