Friday, September 4, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday!!!

"I hope I get a good spanking from everyone! I do enjoy them so..."

This was in response to my innocent query on what JRock wanted for her birthday. Apparently this rite of passage is to occur in the atrium if we can all gather there and fulfill her simple dream. I'm pretty sure (JRock is nothing if not aerobic) she's envisioning something like this:

If enough of us show up it should give JRock a pretty good workout with all that crawling around. If I did the math right, based off a comment from wickedWoman her actual birthday is on the sixth of September. We might have to show up at JRock's place and spank her again, I'm not sure of the protocol. We'll be out of town this weekend anyway so this is it for me.

I dropped by JRock's office and it has been defiled with birthday balloons and what-not. Apparently she's "Over the Hill" but which hill? I figure IronMan has a hint of the cradle robber in him so I'm guessing forty. Let's not disappoint her and give her the spanking she deserves, 'k?

May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!

I had a hectic morning. I couldn't ride the bike in and my son was holding me to some 6:15am time frame so that I could help him get all his band stuff to school for pics and the game tonight (apparently we're playing Canada, I'm not clear on if its the entire country or not but I'm grateful it's not hockey). So I be bopped into the gym and did the cardio part and some of the ABS, focusing on the dreaded BOSU ball work. As I was leaving IronMan strolled in along with goodMood. Ponytail was suffering on a stair climber and Diablo was there. It was great to see him, he was looking quite happy.

And yes, I'm still locked out of my locker by Mr. Shiny Brass Lock Man.

Have an awesome Labor Day!!!

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