Monday, September 21, 2009

Planned Parenthood Day One

I'm trying to cope with the single parent thing and thanking my lucky stars this is only temporary, but I have five working days of it. Bubbles (ever helpful) was kind (?) enough to throw something together, telling me, "This should take less than 30 minutes."

It took me forty. Maybe by Friday I'll have it down to thirty :-)

It's intense (for me) and I felt it :-)

Warm-up: Push-up/Jumping jack progression (Working from 1-10 and 10-1)

Set 1:

A. Five 1-minute stations as follows:
  • 1 minute jog around gym
  • 1 minute Squat Jumps
  • 1 minute jog around gym
  • 1 minute Squat Jumps
  • 1 minute mountain climbers
B. 1 minute DB chest press on SB

Set 2:

A. Four 1-minute stations as follows:
  • Medicine Ball Russian Twists
  • Line Run (should take less than 30 seconds)
    • run from end line to 10’ line, back to end line
    • run to mid-court, back to end line
    • run to opposite 10’ line, back to end line
    • run to opposite end line, back to end line
  • Medicine ball squat jump toss
  • Shuffles
B. 1 minute DB Pullover on SB

Set 3:

A. Wall Sit (1 Minute) and Walking Lunge (1 Minute)

B. 1 minute Biceps Curls

Set 4:

A. Repeat Sequence (1 Minute): DB Sumo squat, squat, narrow squat

B. 1 minute split-stance bent over rows

Set 5:

A. Elbow Plank (1 Minute)

B. Alternating Superman’s (1 Minute)

Have a great day!

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