Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Everything's Fiiiiinnnneeee

I want to write haiku. I want to scream. I am definitely feeling it now! ::nervous giggle, wrings hands:: You probably don't have a clue what I'm babbling about.

Do you need to?

I don't think so, the particulars of the situation(s) don't matter. What matters is the stress, the never ending, ongoing stress. Cracks are starting to show in the facade and everything's fine, it's fine, it's fiiiiinnnneeee. We'll solve this, this problem, this broken thing, but it's beginning to feel like a race against time and time is running out.


I woke up at 3am today, looked at the clock mutering, "Are you KIDDING me?" and went back to bed before dragging my ever widening ass out of bed at 4:05am. Suited up for the gym and here I sit on my big comfy chair typing this manifesto, this pseudo diary, this grand experiment in exercise. The gym wont happen today. It could have but it wont, not today. It's not delivering the 'kick' I need at the moment...

What I need is for this stress to abate, this problem solved, this nut cracked and then oh say a week off AND THEN business as usual.

Well let's see what today brings shall we?

Already on deck - Take the kids to the dentist, figure out what to wing for dinner and work.

I'm tired. Probably should have gone to the gym.

Dreaming of the crank
Whirring pedals, burning thighs
Prospect shimmering

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