I have to take my daughter to her camp tomorrow so my plan (yes I said plan) is to get up at 4:30am, ride the bike to the gym, do the total workout and ride the bike back home before my wife and kids get out of bed.
How utterly cool is that?
Still, I'm very skittish about riding in the rain. goFast tells me that I simply must man up and do it so we'll see. I wont do it if we get that wrath of God stuff we got on Saturday but I might if it's a drizzle.
At the moment the skies are clear and all is well. Hey, Bill can dream.
It's going to be a near thing if Bill can complete the legendary Pacific Crest Trail by the deadline or not. It's something fun to bring up in casual conversation, "I walked the famed Iditarod and Pacific Crest Trails this summer." Followed by frantic prayer that no one asks about any detail. Having to explain it would be boring... mmhmm.
Well I'm a wimp. It was drizzling when I got up so I glumly hopped in the car and drove in. I need to crack the rain barrier, get covered with road grime and become, dare I say it? A man!
Not today.
wimpyBill (call me wimp) got into the gym at 5am and hit the total body workout hard. I need to get back home so I didn't spend much time gabbing not that there was many there to gab with. definitelyNeedsaName was there hanging from some machine like he'd just been flogged and AT Everest was hopping on her beloved elliptical. Kingsley was not there, the ghostPeople had left or were in the lockers.
I chat with definitelyNeedsaName while I'm going through my routines. IronMan comes in about the time I figure he's not gonna. He's having a rough go, he's losing his mind you see. Yesterday he managed to have brown shoes and a black belt. Can you imagine such a fashion faux pas? Neither could goodMood and I. In fact we wouldn't have even noticed except IronMan called our attention to it. Now we can't drop it, it wouldn't be right.
I follow IronMan into the lockers and ask the most important question of the day, "Do your shoes and belt match?"
"Yes," he laughs.
Thank God. I had to get a paper bag for him to breathe into yesterday.
I do fifteen on the treadmill doing the 'fat burn' program which was all uphill. The programs seem to be interesting on that machine. I start out at a 6% incline - sheesh! I end up burning 175 calories according to the machine. I added in Bubbles ABS routine at the end of it since I pretty much blew it off yesterday. IronMan joined in on the BOSU Crunch Sit Up/Get Ups. He can do them without having to throw his arms forward for momentum (the wimpyBill technique). We did fifteen of those and then IronMan asks, "Are you doing another set?"
Um, no.
I have two days to complete the Pacific Crest Trail. Will I make it? I have no idea.
Gosh this is exciting! ::rolls eyes::
Have a great day!

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