Well it rained AGAIN so wimpyBill did not ride the bike into the gym. This rain is annoying and interfering with my plans of completing the trail. All I could do was Bubbles' Total Body Workout. I'll be dropping dime on her shortly to get a new routine since I'm beginning to amuse myself by doing it backwards.
I predict that awesomeGirl will have the most productive Friday EVER since she's on vacation when school's out today - mmhmm, that's why she's awesome! Her beloved elliptical was being used by Alex Trebek so she climbed up on the StairMaster for some ritual scourging of her exercise soul.
IronMan continued to blacken his.
I was adjusting the recumbent when IronMan hopped off his StairMaster and made me finish his routine! There's a definite pecking order in the gym and since I'm the 'new' guy I have to finish my betters routines whenever requested. Five minutes at level nine.
I hop off that pretty sweaty, wipe the machine down and go over to the bench press where I'm practicing just benching the forty-five pound bar. There's an art to it if you want to do it right and definitelyNeedsaName was explaining it to me. I hope I remember it since it will maximize my workouts.
So I'm bench pressing along when IronMan strolls over and puts an additional ten pounds on the bar! He's prepping me to do his presses I'm certain. While I'm gamely struggling under that weight he's telling me that next time he decides to misbehave when time crunched I get to go to McDonald's and pick the food up, probably pay for it too.
I'm beginning to feel like I'm fitting in with all the hazing going on :-)
I wrap the workout up, feeling a bit bummed because I know I didn't really hammer it today, hop in the car and go home. It would have been better on the bike but whatever. Everyone is still asleep so I plop down on a chair and dutifully enter my activities and food into my FitDay account.
At first my reaction to FitDay was tepid but as I've entered more data into it the more useful it's become. Some of you have seen my 'salads' (I use the term loosely) but FitDay gives you a 'Recent Foods...' drop down that I thought was so-so until I discovered the 'More >>' option off of it. It looks like this:

The first time is painful but after that you're in pretty good shape and data entry is easier. You can also see a custom entry I created called 'Clif Bar chocolate chip' which I made by entering all the data on the food label thingy.

I've got a week's worth of data in the thing now and Bubbles has the URL so hopefully I'll hear from her on that, and yeah it also allows you to enter your workouts so that you can get a calorie balance going.
After that I entered my 'steps' into America on the Move. Did I complete the Pacific Coast Trail?
Have a wonderful weekend!

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