I was suppose to ride my bike in today but I got over being disappointed about not being able to. Life got in the way of that dream but as I wearily turn the pedals on this upright, feeling the burn of thighs under duress I'm figuring it might be a good thing. My frantic sprint home yesterday so that I could pick my daughter up turned out to be a big disappointment.
You ever have that feeling like you're cooking with oil but you're, um, not? I've had it many times on the dance floor but this mad dash home just felt right. I've noticed that my 18 and 21 mile bike rides have left me feeling stronger on the bike so I was certain a new record would be set on my three mile trek home. But nooooooo the worthless Garmin does not lie with its remorseless machine logic, an average of 12.5mph is not very daunting.
What I'm beginning to suspect is that road riding is addictive.
IronMan strolls in and relates a tale of nearly flooding the church he was repairing a well at. It was pretty funny, I hope he doesn't rust. I pop the earbuds back in, I can't seem to do this sort of aerobic work to the rave music Kingsley prefers in the early morning. It's too frenetic for me.
I had set up the bike with a ten minute warm up and then thirty-five of tempo. The results were 'OK.' Over the fifty minutes I spent on the bike I averaged a HR of 138bpm or 68% and during the 'work' phase I had an average of 149bpm or 73% so I met the objective of the tempo workout.
So? I'm not sure what it means but I'll keep doing it because overall I'm feeling stronger, better, whatever.
Towards the tail end of the workout the greatest workout song of all time came on! I forgot I had put it on the iPod last night.

As I was staggering around after my workout, goldieLocks came up and told me there are entire sites devoted to song lists for various workouts, as in structured for them. When I have time I'll have to hunt them down. If you know any please email the URL to me.
Later I'm hanging in the breakfast line waiting for my eggs, buttered toast (whole wheat so back off!), and two slices of bacon. It's called a 2-2-2. MarathonMan is giving me static about the bacon saying that's what the eggs are for. As we're yakking allyMcBeal strolls by getting something... coffee? She's dressed in a skirt and some pink top. Immediately I'm suspicious, "Did you bike in?"
"Yep," she replies with a challenging look in her eye, "did YOU?"
I briefly bore her with my lamentation on Kids in Camp, stopping when her eyes glaze over.
"You didn't ride THAT into work did you?"
She give me a piteous stare, the one girls reserve for stupid boy questions, "No!"
I don't know how she does it. Honestly it takes two panniers (OK one for the laptop) and a bike trunk to get what keeps Bill functional into work and I still come out looking frumpy as all get out. Ally looked ready for a photo shoot.
And she does it on this!
A ten dollar bike and a helmut. Mine? Um yeah... a little more... BLUSH!
Oh yeah, Ally is looking for a bike for her hubby if you have one for free or sale. He's got a thirty inch inseam, I know because I lost a bet... shudders. So if you know of such a bike drop Ally a line, she'd appreciate it! And for the Bill impaired the inseam thing was a joke, she told me in a meeting and if you want to know how she knows ask her yourself!
Well I wonder what sort of adventures tomorrow will hold? In the words of Little Milton, "Really don't mind if you sit this one out." Yeah, I hear Bubbles saying THAT!
rolls eyes

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