I rode the bike into work today hitting the road about 4:50am, it was cool and I was sorta wishing I had worn my windbreaker but I didn't so shut up about it. I got into the gym already of the mindset that I would do more work on the bike. I'm riding in in my gym clothes now in an effort to conserve space in the panniers and get right to work once I get there.
I do a five minute warm up on the upright bike to get my HR up and start the thirty minute workout. It was tough, the music blew even though I picked it out. I kept my cadence above 80 and was running at level 8 until about the twenty minute mark where I dialed it back to 7.
It was a good workout, I averaged 157bpm or 77% of maxHR. I came off the bike covered in sweat. I shot the breeze with IronMan while drinking a cup of coffee and then didn't do much with ABS although Bubbles had me do fifteen BOSU Sit Up/Get Ups while holding a ten pound medicine ball.
I plugged my results into America on the Move and noted that I managed to walk the Iditarod Trail before the end of the challenge on 31 July.

- Two cups of coffee with french vanilla
- One bowl of oatmeal with two tablespoons of brown sugar and one tablespoon of cinnamon.
- Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
- spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
- melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
- melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
- Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
- Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
- Tomatoes, fresh - 1
- Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
- Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
- Eggs, hard boiled - 1
- Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
- Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons

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