So I get into the gym this morning and begin doing sucky intervals because no matter what wickedWoman says or how pretty she says it, intervals Suck with a capital 'S'. So even though I'm doing them half-assed they still Blow with a capital 'B' but I'm getting through it.
I know about every other interval workout now I have to sincerely push it but now, um, no. I'm not in the mood to vomit even though I know I must atone for yesterday's debauchery. Look I'm weak OK, being weak about just about everything (food, TV, internet, booze, drugs, you name it) is my only vice so don't get too self-rightious on me, it's unbecoming.
IronMan wakes me from some sort of Emenem induced fugue state where I was starting to convince myself that, yes, I'm the real slim shady by waving at me before entering the locker room. A few minutes later he's doing that IronMan walk down the hallway. It's more of an ambling gait racked full of confidence and self assurance. I hope one day to imitate it since I doubt I'll ever own it. I'm comfortable being a poser.
He hops on the upright next to me (I'm on the recombinant) and fills me in on the IronMan vs. Hornets debacle. He got stung - a lot and goodMood believes I should consider renaming IronMan to 'winky' since he got stung on his left eye.
I'm wondering what sort of cardio workout it might be with all the running, terror and stinging. Already I'm envisioning Bubbles putting us in the gym, chucking some monster hornet's nest in there and locking the door for forty five minutes. I wonder what she'll call it? Stinging Cardio or something I'm guessing, and I BET there will be some who sign up for it.
Breakfast - since I have to drive my daughter to zoo camp
- 1 cup of coffee with 1% milk since I drank all the foo-foo yesterday
- 1 chocolate chip Cliff bar.
- Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
- spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
- melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
- melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
- Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
- Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
- Tomatoes, fresh - 1
- Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
- Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
- Eggs, hard boiled - 1
- Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
- Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons
- Mongolian Barbecue - 1/4 cup NY Strip, 1/4 cup Sirloin, broccoli and other veggies, 1/8 cup shrimp, brown rice, two tortillas
- A coke
- Medium popcorn with butter
- Medium coke

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