Phew! Two laps and I am SPENT! I count a 'lap' as one length of the pool, others count a 'lap' as down AND back but I never bought into the metric system. That was how I finished up yesterday.
Given the amount of work I did yesterday I decided to give myself a break and slept in until 5:07am. I stroll into the gym around 5:45am noting IronMan lounging on a recombinant at some easy cadence obviously on the rest phase of his intervals. He pretends to check his watch and then stares at me in an accusatory manner.
I fill him in on my ruthless two laps of swimming yesterday. He understands. I grab a eight pound medicine ball and start my Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexions. definitelyNeedsaName starts giving me static about my form calling me a ballerina or something while lifting some impressive weights with his legs. I patiently explain what I THINK Bubbles is trying to accomplish OTHER than making me look like a total dork which I'm certain is part of it while fighting the urge to brain him with the medicine ball. I tell him that it's helping with my core or some other made up excuse.
IronMan is sitting on some leg lift thingy watching The Woman in Trouble Channel and demanding a latte. The Woman in Trouble is always the channel left by the night crew/ghostPeople. I don't know why. I'm waiting until 6:30am for the tour.
ponyTail is working through her routine along with awesomeGirl, both are having a blast. I'm not feeling the love from the machines today and mainly gabbing and doing various exercises that are part of my current routine. Diablo strolls in and starts joking around, both he and ponyTail are hoping it doesn't rain tonight so they can go to a baseball game. goodMood is peering from his throne on the stair climber and all seems well in the gym.
I'm staring at the tour and noticed I forgot to wear my heart monitor so mentally I'm obviously not there. Lance is now about four minutes back so unless he has the most amazing time trail tomorrow he's not gonna win it this year. Astana has a shot at getting all three podium positions but ya know what? You don't care, if you did care then you already know this.
I have to do something more tonight if I'm gonna get through the Pacific Coast Trail that I mentioned yesterday.
J-TOSRV sent some interesting links - check them out.
If I was a giraffe, this is NOT where I want to be, so I'm gonna check those links out.

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