Friday, May 10, 2013


My boss is doing half-marathons or something insane like that. The side effects are alarming, he undergoes some Hulk-like transformation because of the massive influx of endorphins and he makes us call him 'Zeus' until they wear off. We're coming up on the one week mark... the physical transformation is short lived (thank God!). toughMudder snapped a pic of him shortly after the most recent bout of improving himself:


Me? I'm just jealous. That top is to die for!!!

This week has been consumed with appointments, the highlight being my very first root canal. I don't recommend them. It went down like this, they numbed me, hit the nerve – I screamed – they numbed me some more – hit the nerve – I screamed – they injected numbing stuff directly into the nerve WHILE I screamed and then all was well.

Good times, good times.

I've been doing the walking thing on Mondays and Wednesday and trying to figure out this movBand thingy. I'll hopefully be back on the bike next week for commuting and what not. We'll see.

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