Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Career Advancement

"I can't believe it's almost been an entire year since I didn't become a better person."  - @VikeeysSecret

Deep wisdom from Twitter. 

I'm drafting behind Bubbles and overDressedDude, keeping an eye on blondie and redHead incase they attempt a breakaway. Bubbles is clearly pontificating on something, but the music blaring in my ears forces me to interpret what she's talking about. It's either a swan mating ritual (doubtful) or something to do with girl biceps (probably). Though why overDressedDude is so interested ... sigh ... I'm certain there's a website devoted to girl biceps. Being at work - I won't confirm.

I'm wearing my Garmin and HR monitor, kinda hoping we wont have a repeat Monday, that was tough and Bubbles seems aware of whining after it. There's sudden activity! Blondie and  redHead are making a move, bubbles is gesticulating and shouting out drill-seargent/trainer instructions. The key one being, "Go to Frantz and turn left!" I try and duck in behind team Blondie/redHead but they're already well away, I tuck my head and make dogged pursuit. Sadly, they seem unaware.

It turns out when bubbles says, "Turn left on Frantz" (W Bridge St on the Map) she means "Turn left on Kilgour Pl." So I was a tad peeved at seeing them wrapping up ahead of me.

Sweating through my "Any Team but Duke" t-shirt, I spot some group picture being taken in the lobby and decide to photobomb it but I chicken out when I realize I'm going to actually pull it off (we're a very polite company and when some deranged, sweaty dude who's obviously suffering from heat stroke horns his way into your picture you just sorta grimace about it) and bust myself.

Only then do I notice the corporate CEO sitting on a table directly across from me staring me right in the eyes. Since the situation wasn't bad enough I decide to talk to him in my non-coorporate attire. We have a nice chat and then I decide to change out of my walk attire before filling up some box with my personal items.

When it comes to career advancement - don't look at me!

Musings from last night follow...

At the moment I'm kind of phoning it in but that's because I have yet another doctor's thing today so no bike ride in or anything like that. I check my MovBand and I'm told I'm 85% towards my goal but I don't know what my goal is or how it got set so WHATEVER. This is why I've attached my device to a paint can mixer...

nah... I'd rather man up to my various depravities. 

My heel hurts from Monday's stomping around the campus, the dog is in the next room shrieking holy hell about some chipmunk or duck in the backyard running from the back window to the front door like a lobotomized bearded lemur, pleading her case to anyone listening in dog language. It's kinda funny but incredibly annoying. If I had the will I'd get up and taze her, muttering, "calm down dickhead" while I lovingly pull the trigger.

I wonder if this heel bruise will blossom into seventy-five doctor's appointments. I'm in the age group where "there is no happy ending doctor visit" is just on the horizon. The MRI was much more fun then the root canal even with its "contrast IV" preview into my geriatric future. It's odd-ball percussion was entertaining and I tried to rap to it but couldn't because I'm white and not Emenem. Now I'm in that purgatory of waiting for the results and pretty much hoping that doesn't go south like my f-ing teeth have. 

I'm tired of the disruptions these appointments cause. I'm a creature of autistic routine but next have to run the gauntlet of two dentists appointments for the inevitable crown that is the dark underbelly of a root canal (now that the tooth is good and dead it will become brittle so ya need a crown ::frantic head nodding from the dentist and hygienist::). YAY

Darwin award candidate...

Turns out it's a hoax but so what? We're dudes so it is plausible!

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