Monday, May 13, 2013

Mothers - Go Figure.

So, how was your Mother's Day? I saw all those nice cards up on facebook about how much mom meant to the writer. Meanwhile my wife went insane interpreting this restful day as justification to go medieval on the 'honey-do' list, turning a rather frosty Sunday into a death camp of gutter cleaning, pond redecorating, lawn mowing and fertilizer spraying. According to this weird MOVABLE bracelet I'm wearing (side effects include obsessive compulsive disorder) I average 9,174 "moves" per day. Yesterday I did an incredible 14,841 "moves" which is ::counts fingers:: A LOT! Probably the equivalent of running seven back to back marathons. ::serious look::

I also broke my stupid Kindle - apparently they're not engineered to be stepped on. So I ran down to Best Buy and bought a Kindle Paperwhite which has a backlit display. It's the 5th Kindle I've had due to um accidents or things just not working right with them. Amazon is great about dealing with most of my issues but I figure me crushing the display of one probably isn't covered under their warranty and my soul is black enough that scamming them ("Look it just suddenly stopped displaying text ::mutters - after I crushed it with my heel::  so, you know, how about a new one?") just didn't feel right.

Anyway I really do like the built in backlight on this thing - it's great for night reading. Also I simply had to get it - I was an hour away from finishing the Mistborn Trilogy and no jury would convict me from needing to know what the Koloss, Kandra, Inquisitors, Vin and the rest of those folk in the deep, deep do-do were going to make out. Seriously. Read the trilogy if you want something a tad different and fun.

I just returned from stomping around the "campus" here at work on some hellish, self-inflicted death march. This couch to 5K thingy is handing me my butt and now I'm all sweaty and gross. Whatever. What I'm really irritated about is this weather - 40 degrees this morning? I'm not riding my bike in on those days, nope. Tomorrow is 70 and partly cloudy - dammit!

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazingly appalling advertisement! To think of the way we were back then...
