Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Pleasant Valley Something

Wednesday evening in suburbia and I'm done with moving mulch and weed whacking. Pleasant Valley Sunday pops up on the iPod and I grin. What exactly was the issue that 1960s multimillionaire rock stars had with suburbia? Who cares? The last shovel full of mulch is in the wheelbarrow and my son moves off to dump it on the neighbor's driveway, we're at capacity and I seriously doubt they'll notice their mound has grown by four of five loads.

I have to prep for tomorrow's bike ride. My back hurts, I'm tired, full of lactic bullshit and just not caring but for this itsy-bitsy voice whining, "You know it'll suck, but still it'll be somewhat slightly cool to ride in tomorrow - you know it's trueeeeeee, mmhmm walk the walk."


I prep for the ride. The reason prep is necessary is because I like to avoid things like cars and teenagers late for high school in the morning so I get to work farmer early. It's peaceful - I saw a coyote once smack down in the middle of all those houses that look the same. Grey patchy fur, scrawny, sizing me up, probably wishing he was a wolf so he could drag me down with his pack. I picture it, the howls, the baited breath of the pack as they close in on me. My frantic SOS-es emanating from my bike bell as they finally bring me down...

Nature, I loathe it.

Most likely that wont be a worry tomorrow, but soon. Mark my words.

This is one of the side effects of indifferent exercise, mild hallucinations to take your mind of the sheer tedium of doing one more whatever of whatever it is you're doing to improve yourself. Sadly, I've reverted to the state of where I go anaerobic just getting out of the car so these are the dues to be paid, or that regret filled death bed scene where you're muttering, "If only I had biked to work more..."

I'm still undecided.

So I rode in and it was a lovely ride, the sun rising, birds singing... one landed on my bike handle and started chirping a happy good morning song causing me to join in like this:

Yeah... pretty much just like that minus the lipstick.

So I got to the gym, said good morning to goodMood and did my pathetic calf raises. Now it's time for work with all it's drama and angst. I'm ready...

are you?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, hence the trident. Like that town in Footloose dancing is simply not permitted at work.
