Friday, May 3, 2013


My MOVABLE band came today! I registered it, created another account on their site so that I could further track my half-assedness. So I charged it and synced it and it's on my left wrist (after some debate - putting it on my right would periodically skew the data because I'm forever unclean... never mind!) and it looks like this:

Well sorta, the problem is along with my RoadID, Carolina Bandz and Livestrong elastic bracelets I'm beginning to think I might be a hair over the line and into the uncharted territory of 'uncool.' I pretty much look like an unbalanced Egyptian Princess drag queen with no fashion sense (two bracelets per arm IDIOT!) and my left hand just fell asleep from blood loss - so at the moment it's just the MOVband (look I'm not the marketing genius that makes these names up!) on the left wrist.

It's uh bigger than I thought, well wider, by that I mean deeper coming off my wrist like a monster tumor that tells time.

I'm suppose to wear it for a week to get a baseline reading AND THEN increase my numbers by 10% - these Movable people don't give a rat's ass what you do, just do 10% more of it and I guess keep increasing it until you end up like this MOVABLE girl who's merely trying to get her count a bit higher. She's probably legendary 'User #16546' who logged 58,356 'moves' yesterday - I'm certain to be hanging with this caliber of individual one day (maybe this weekend) at Walmart where all you haters can judge me and my MOVABLE ways.

So how should I approach this? Currently I'm in corpse mode, no sudden movements, nothing to trigger a counter uptick - in short a true baseline. Can I go a week with this nerd magnet strapped to my wrist? Am I cool enough to pull it off? Yes, yes I am, just watch the magic.

I've uploaded May 2nd's bike ride data to prove to myself that yes, I actually did bike to work that day but I'm already falling off on the myFitnessPal logging and have added this MOVABLE (why all caps marketing geniuses?) logging. I fall off the myFitnessPal wagon because I just don't want to deal with the consequences of a fist full of M&Ms and if I don't log it - it didn't happen!!! I'm gonna have to deal with that... soon.

I feel the need for Borderlands 2 where I shall shriek my Brave Heart battle cry:


But first prep the bike, toughMudder is riding in tomorrow and I'll need to counter his "Yeah, I biked in you pussy!" testosterone emanations.

So there was no stupid bike commute, my family needed me to walk the dog this morning due to unforeseen factors that would have been totally seen had I been paying attention. Look, I'm busy logging my lameness here - I have no time for family!

I've made 3,211 'moves' so far today... um... pray for me, I'm losing my mind.

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