Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An Ode to Lactic Acid


The Black Dahlia is not pleased with my half-assed progress, "Do ten calf lifts on your left leg, followed by ten on your right. Then ten consecutive backflips and you had better land it this time!"

The former OSU gymnast turned physical therapist is cracking the whip today during our last session. I promise her that I'll do the calf lifts because frankly the ones off my bad leg were pathetic and she promptly dumps me. This is my lot in life when dealing with twenty-something former gymnasts.

Yesterday and today are a haze of lactic acid pain...

Temperature's rising
Fever is high
Can't see no future
Can't see no sky

My boss is telling me that he commented on yesterday's post and I can't find it. I've checked my blogger settings with the sinking feeling of that dude on the wrong side of the airlock in all those movies. The window is closing and I'll miss his wisdom which makes me sad. He's a creature of focus - you have his attention only for so long and then he's focused on someone else.

Lactic acid... I could barely do a flight of stairs yesterday much less commute home on the bike.

My feet are so heavy
So is my head
I wish I was a baby
I wish I was dead

It's lunch and I'm stomping around the area where I work on this Couch to 5K thing with my wife. The rat bastards left me (something about leaving on time ::roll::) - so first I had to waddle run after them to catch up and then covered in sweat and somewhat slightly wheezy, kinda sorta keep up. Thank God they blew the finish, all of them stopping to stretch before crossing the finish line while I doddered strolled past them to victory!

In your faces LOSERS!

Oh I'll be a good boy
Please make me well
I promise you anything
Get me out of this hell

Ponder the implications of the following... and no, that's NOT me!

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