Friday, February 18, 2011

Me and Bobby McGee

I'll try to refrain from working out on moronic teenage Canadian eunuchs today, but no promises!

I was pretty glum on the spinner this morning hammering out 35 minutes of intervals while listening to Janis Joplin bemoaning leaving Bobby McGee in Salinas. The mind sucking TV wasn't on so I turned my thoughts to the latest wisdom from Mark Steyn.

Right now, the United States government spending plans are premised on the idea that the rest of the world, every single year, will be willing to sink the equivalent of the Canadian economy, or the Indian economy twice over, into U.S. Treasury bonds. There’s no evidence the world is going to continue to do that. And when the world decides to pull the rug out from under the dollar, you’re going to be setting up pre-revolutionary conditions here.

SUPER! And what do I see from the new congress? They decided to keep funding Amtrak yesterday and our beloved president is too busy sticking his nose into Wisconsin politics to only have time to kick out a laughable budget where high speed trains are going to save us. I'm still not clear on this economic model of spending yourself out of debt, but if I'm following it correctly then since I own a mortgage on one house in order to pay it off I should go ahead and buy that summer home in Maui... right?

It is extremely frustrating to have no one in government taking this spending crap seriously. You elect a bunch of folk who campaign on fiscal responsibility and you get Amtrak refunded? Really?! Our government seems to be hooked into Me and Bobby McGee in a big way, "But I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday..." Methinks if we don't start seriously hacking away at this problem the dollar is going to be worth slightly less than the peso. Wont that be fun?

The Atlas Shrugged model is making more and more sense. Disengage, let it happen, find a place to hole up and ride the worst of it out ::glances nervously at my two children, we may have to learn new skills here::

Ah, whatever, never mind it's all going to be fine right? We have our best, most responsable minds on this problem right?


Have a great weekend, I'm gonna sit and spin here for awhile longer and practice what I preach. Monday I weigh in, lets see how bad the personal bloat is... the weather is changing and maybe soon I can substitute the bike for the car and commute into work, start cutting the FAT that way...


  1. Figure this will help your blood pressure...

  2. Hmmm, "For the first time in history, the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public School system will exceed $100,000."

    For effectively a nine month job huh? And the WI Government wants them to pay 12.5% of their current health care costs of which they currently pay nothing, WI residents get to pick up that tab.

    I can fully understand why the WI public unions would whack such an idea with their polo mallets and kick it into their swimming pools.

    ::pops another Amlodipine::
