Friday, February 26, 2010

Intervals, Ho-Hos and Short-Shorts

I suffered on the upright today doing the hated intervals and came off the bike feeling pukey. Ain't exercise grand?

Let's see... we had awesomeGirl, a taciturn IronMan (well my impression anyway, it's not like I could interact with him while doing repellent intervals, gasping, snot flowing, trying not to puke, earbud wearing wheezer that I am, it probably makes me appear a tad standoffish), deerHunter, deerHunter's wife (I'm gonna have to name her methinks), ponyTail and some guy that is experimenting with morning workouts.

I have no idea what was going on when I was on the bike but when I got off it we discussed deep, deep topics like Powerpuff Girls and if I should wear short-shorts when spotting deerHunter on the bench press. ponyTail is of the opinion I should not wear short-shorts, um, EVER! I don't know - I think I could pull it off... It was another fun workout! When you get the right mix in there it's not nearly as dreary as when you're trying to get through it alone.

You've heard me mention this iPod app I use called Lose It! - well I'm also a "fan" of their facebook page where occasionally they toss up something like:

What are some easy-to-make, healthy snack options?

After I'm done rolling my eyes I read a mess-o replies like:

making your own salad! fresh veggies, even cranberries can be delicious! I like to use cucumbers, almonds, and cheddar or feta cheese in mine. just using a handful of salad can make it into a snack, instead of a huge one

Yogurt smoothies. Ice- low fat vanilla yogurt, and frozen or fresh fruit. Awesome.

My kids and I take graham crackers and place a spoonful of yogurt and top with another graham cracker. Then we freeze them for "ice cream" sandwiches. They are around 20 calories a piece and fill my sweet tooth.

Ho-Hos. I burn about 900 calories just getting the wrapper off, it's a real battle let me tell ya!
PS: I am so SICK of baby carrots

Orville Redenbacher's 100-calorie mini bags of microwave popcorn - feels like I have a lot of food with so many pieces!

We discovered Tabloule at Costco that is wonderful 1/8 cup is only 30 cals and put that on 5 Water table crackers for another 56 cals and it is a really low cal but filling snack. My 13 yr old even likes it.

I'll leave it to you, gentle reader, to find my comment. I don't know, I just can't help myself. Plus I get annoyed at these sorts of things. I guess there are people out there thinking about this stuff and measuring out portions. I'm a bit more free wheeling in my calorie counting which is why I'm stuck at 206 pounds at the moment. But when I'm circling my wife's birthday cake like the great white shark I am I'm not thinking about substituting it with, "Orville Redenbacher's 100-calorie mini bags of microwave popcorn."

Nope. Not even a distant blip on the radar. And when the cake's gone (oh yes, the cake will be gone, Bill has plans for the cake) and the cupboard is bare I don't think about making my own salad, I think about hopping in the car and refreshing our stock. The thing is, I'm too darned lazy to do that for a few days, so during that time frame is when I usually make progress on my weight. I think I get annoyed with how earnest all the replies are. As of this writing there are 41 replies, 40 of them sincere ("peel a grapefruit and eat it...loads of fiber and vitamin c."). Why peel it? I mean if you're after fiber and all.

This outflow of earnestness and sincerity seems to get under my skin. Am I the only one who lusts for Ho-Hos, cake, and ice-cream while bucking at the endless denial? Probably, but I'm going to at least acknowledge there are Ho-Hos in this world and their siren call to me and my giving into the baser side of my palate. If there's a banana and a Ho-Ho sitting all undefended on the counter first I'll eat the banana in a vain attempt to stave off the Ho-Ho before circling the Ho-Ho like it's a wounded seal, this stupid good cop/bad cop war going on in my head ("You'll be a better person if you don't eat the Ho-Ho..." EAT THE DAMNED HO-HO BEFORE YOUR KIDS GET IT YOU IDIOT) and if one of my kids hasn't grabbed the Ho-Ho in that time, I'll eat that too. Look, I'm a mess and I can get so very confused, once I ate 677 calories of mostly crap trying to keep from eating a bowl of ice cream.

Guess what? Yep, I did it, I kept that bowl of ice cream at bay!

But I'll tell ya, I think I won the battle and lost the war.

::pops seven Valium:: Apologies for the tirade.

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