Note to self, getting up at 2:30am thinking you have had enough rest and trudging into the gym around 4am and working out for a bit PROBABLY isn't the best idea in the world.
That was yesterday.
Today I did my best to sleep in and got to around 4:30am after waking up like ninety times it seems like. Took my time getting into the gym and once I got there just... didn't... care.
Hmmmm, let's check the way back machine and see where my head was at one year ago today. All sunshine and roses I see. Eh, whatever. I think it's this head cold, stressful stuff I'm not ready to discuss and the fact that even when I try I can't drop a pound. I've been stuck at 205 forever and no I'm not going to do anything about it this time. I... just... don't... care!
I was gabbing with IronMan yesterday and he was asking if I weighed in of late. NOPE the scales are I are quits at least until I can get on the bike, the REAL bike not this fake exercise bike THING and see if the additional commuting might drive the weight down. Well IronMan tells me that I need to weigh in before starting the commuting business so that I see if there's any downward slide on the weight-o-rama.
Do I?
I'm not so sure. Look, here's where my grumpy head is at Tuesday, March 2 in the year of our Lord 2010. My left shoulder hurts, if I raise my elbow until it's horizontal with the shoulder I get a simply wonderful stabbing pain in said shoulder, both my elbows hurt which is just WEIRD and I'm tired. Like I want to take a nap right now tired and would have no problem doing it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I'm whining but all these books I'm reading about exercise are telling me to put down what I feel during a workout. Well there ya go, that's what I'm feeeeling at the moment.
So, what was my point? Oh yeah, do I need to log my weight before embarking on this commuting thing? Suppose my weight goes up, or down, or not at all, will any of that have an effect on my bike riding? I don't think so but that might be this awful head cold talking.
Most likely, as this graph of my typical daily ice cream consumption illustrates, as my calorie burn goes up so will my ice cream consumption. This is simple science and there's nothing I want to do about it.
So there you have it. I'm going to eat ice cream. Lent sucks (but not in that blasphemous way, so no one damn me OK?!). So I'm going to eat ice cream after Easter I guess and maybe, just maybe by then I'll CARE.
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