"The big dog just went down," goodMood nods toward screen while he marches up yet another step on the hellish StairClimber.
I look up from the display on the upright bike I'm currently struggling with, already questioning the 45 minute time I put on the thing earlier even though I've only been at it for ten minutes. I can feel the onset of a black mood and I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to like what I see as I focus on the TV above me.
Yep, there it is.
City Schools CLOSED
It's 6am. The ripple effect was immediate and the next slide on the screen read:
Every other suburban school is closed.
I stare glumly back at the bike monitor and watch the first drop of sweat fall off my nose onto the bike thinking, "We're in 'it' now."
Even though I'm suppose to be awash in endorphins I feel a certain bitterness descend. Like the lemming suburban schools blindly following the big dog city school off an unnecessary snow day this bitterness was followed hard upon by a black mood that rivaled the Senate's loss of their super majority. I spent the next fifteen minutes spewing right wing "I can't BELIEVE they're canceling school AGAIN!" crap from the bike until awesomeGirl had enough of my bile, got off the recumbent she was on, got the binkie Bubbles keeps in a drawer for when I get too lippy and shoved it in my mouth, shutting me down.
Since my wife was buried in meetings and I wasn't I got to work from home but that was a thorn in my side since I was so irritated with the schools. My irritation stems from the fact that the schools already have Friday and Monday scheduled off. Friday for a 'Teacher Day' or something like that, whatever the heck that is and Monday for Presidents Day. My kids are probably old enough to get through a day without being supervised but you can't help but wonder exactly how Lord of Flies it's getting at home when you're at work, it's distracting, particularly when your kid answers the phone with, "Kill the pig!" At least I'm blessed working for a company where it's an option to work from home when needed.
Then my lower back started hurting from all the snow shoveling I guess, or I'm PMSing I can't tell any more with this stupid mood. Even Aleve couldn't cut into that so I decided to take Thursday off from the gym and slept in today, getting up at 5:15am figuring today was already shot.
Yep, I'm in it now. The bad part of the year, the endless gray days, cabin fever, black moods, stupid snow days that throw me off my autistic internal clock, increasing undirected rage at nothing in particular. No hope for Spring, I might as well just modify the Trek for snow and be done with it.
This will pass or my wife will probably smother me with a pillow, either works I guess. But here in the Midwest we're all sucking wind this time of year and as much as I'd like to embrace this dark mood with the zeal my daughter can embrace hers I best not, I'm suppose to be 'the steady one' and everyone's face tightens with concern when Bill goes a bit dinky-dau.
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