Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh, One of THOSE Mondays

I confess, I've had better weekends.

bikerBabe and her hubby have a nice little goal of doing at least one bike ride a month. She got her's in on Saturday. I liked the idea so much AND since I did a ride in January I decided to steal this tradition/goal.

I'm no bikerBabe so after suiting up I had to study the terrain, careful planning was needed.

Bill Thoughtfully Studies the Terrain

After that I fired up the Garmin (an epic ride, such as this one, can't be over documented) and went for it! As I've mentioned before, the Garmin should not be used for calling in missile strikes but you get the gist of what I've accomplished. I went to the end of the driveway AND BACK! And I lived! How cool is that?

The Definition of Total Concentration Bill Approaches the Driveway

105 FEET baby!





mmhmm I don't even know why I bother to train for a century. Flush with success I then surprised the adoring crowd by wheeling about and going for a 2.25 MILE tour de neighborhood. That was fun, but I decided I had pushed the envelope far enough for one day and came in and took a four hour nap. It felt GREAT to be back on the bike again, even for such a short amount of time.

Monday I get up, get dressed, drink my coffee and head into the gym. Once there I notice that I forgot my gym shorts. Being a gentleman I decide to spare everyone the sight of Bill working out in his tighty-whiteys. It is Monday after all. The major problem is that the warm up pants I'm wearing are so baggy that I can't keep them up so I opt out of cardio. I do some ABS and a bit of lifting before heading to the showers knowing it's going to be one of those Mondays where I forget my pants.

Maybe Tuesday will be better?

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