He plans to crush me on some casual road ride by training all winter long!
How to counter? HOW TO COUNTER??!!
Well I have plans for a new nonexistent bike but now I'm probably going to need a power meter too but the one I'm interested in doesn't even exist. Should I buy a powertap or just wait?
::grabs a paper sack and starts hyperventilating into it::
Oh I know YOU don't understand gentle reader but that's simply because you don't have The Rest of the Story! You see TomS hasn't run just one marathon, he's run TWO! He's got the will and know how to crush me s-l-o-w-l-y.
Well I've got this book, at least until the library demands it back and I've got Bubbles who will help. So...
AND I've managed to remove Bill from the equation! Gosh, I'm a genius! No... I'm a SUPER-GENIUS!
So Bubbles and that book will take care of TomS. phew! Her kid in the Burley will probably make it a bit harder on her with drag and all but I know Bubbles can do it!
Thanks Bubbles!
It seemed like business as usual at the gym today, no strange dimensions were intersected, no AT Everest on the recumbent weirdness. The usual crew, all was calm... perhaps too calm. Hard to say at this point in time.
I need to start manning up on the cardio and push it a bit there, go to the next phase of Bubbles routine. I did the regular thirty minute one and the ABS like the good boy I am.
I hope you have a wonderful day!

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