Saturday, October 24, 2009

Slow Burn Saturday

Chicks... go figure :-)

Ahhhh that's more like it, brings back memories... not the cat you dolts but today's workout! I strolled into the gym cranked up the ol' sauna, plopped onto a recumbent, set it for 'Fat Burn', fifty minutes, level seven and went. I held the cadence above 70 for the whole thing and watched worthless news.

TomS was right, commercials are tough when you're on the bike.

noNeed and happyGirl along with happyGirl's hubby (who will need a name but not today) showed up as I was finishing up and heading out. It was good to see them, they normally work a different shift then I do.

I took a nice sauna and came out feeling pretty good about it all. Tomorrow I might do some lifting if I get up early enough.

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