I'm doomed. I'm moping around the house and finally send the email, "I have no excuse. Yesterday got totally away from me - I will call you today and grovel - I'm sorry mom, Happy Belated Birthday!!!"
I forgot my mother's birthday and can already feel my father's ire, his upcoming pronouncement, "Bill shall be SHUNNED! SHUN HIM!!!" and then they will all turn away from bumbling Bill, the shunned one.
I bet my sister didn't forget, damn her!
So evil Karma is still dishing out vengeance for what I did in some past life I guess. I must have snubbed Shirley MacLaine or something. I'll probably pull a hammy at the gym today to boot. I feel awful about mom.
I hammer through Bubbles' Tuesday routine and the gym is filling with life which is nice. IronMan is there along with AT Everest, Kingsley, awesomeGirl, goodMood and Kojak.
Kojak? I thought he was dead. I mean I hadn't seen him in forever so I just figured... well anyway he's kinda hard to recognize with the beard, like he's trying out for prison or something. Bubbles is walking him through some routine and I try not to make too much eye contact, I think he can sense I'm in Karma's doghouse. Kojak also was sporting a clear water bottle as opposed to his trademark Mountain Dew one, but I just shrugged that off as a sign of the apocalypse and nothing to do with my current woes.
I note I have yet to master the zen art of standing on a BOSU ball while holding one leg up and curling 8lb dumbbells, dejected, I head for the showers.
Once again Karma doth smite me! Apparently there was some leak that came from the womens ceiling (what the ladies were doing on the ceiling, hanging from the pipes don't ask me, women remain a mystery to yours truly) that necessitated turning off the hot water. IronMan had sprinted ahead of me and was working up a furious lather in his stall while I was just starting my 'pre-rinse' cycle when the screaming started. The cold water that hit me was quite invigorating if you're into jumping into ice covered lakes (I'm not) and made me wish I had my HR monitor on so that I'd know what my maxHR was but alas no. Karma is nothing if not capricious. At least I wasn't covered in soap bubbles like apparently poor IronMan was, his screams had Bubbles standing nervously near the doorway when we exited.
I suspect my day will continue on its downward slope.
I remain somewhat slightly shunned and stinky,
Hey now, if you forgot mom's birthday,
And you got a tale to tell.
Just take a walk down lonely street
To Karma's doghouse.
And you got a tale to tell.
Just take a walk down lonely street
To Karma's doghouse.

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