Should we, at our advanced age, be throwing down the gauntlet like this? Even in our best physical condition, the most we can hope for is to not be incapacitated by cramping or other maladies following our ride.
This competition will hold as much interest as the epic matchup between the Browns and the Bills this past Sunday. A 6-3 exhibition of football excellence.
I can only HOPE our competition will generate the same interest as the Browns vs. the Bills! Anyway I had to give a mature, reasoned reply:
And she will, if I can talk her into it, and I think I can. If I can do anything well, it's whine.
If I can't talk her into it because she's a new mom or some such nonsense, well then I'll pay intoIt to do it, or goFast. Either one of them could act as my 'second' in this matter. I mean I'm still stunned at TomS's effrontery! A trainer? How much more in your face can you get?
But both intoIt and goFast will pass, somethings are just too easy and I already know my wife wont do it or my worthless kids so that leaves... me.
I figure when TomS and I square off it should be a century, first ride of the season. That way we can get it behind us, the century that is. We wont have that puppy weighing on our conscious, it's done.
Plus, two middle aged men tearing down the road in the full grip of recapturing lost youth and totally unprepared for a century is very, VERY...
blogable :-)
Instead of the Trek I was eying I'm now thinking about this- BEHOLD!

Finally TomS followed up with his first Trainer Report:
Riding on a trainer is BORING! One better have something interesting on the tube or the time will crawl by. I thought Obamacare or whatever entitlement our President is attempting to implement was being funded by various television networks. I could have sworn the commercial breaks lasted 10 minutes or more while on the trainer.
I've completed 3, half hour sessions on the thing. My average cost is down to $110 per session. I sure hope this average improves.
Overall this thing is going to require some discipline. I hope I am up to it. I plan on adding 5 minutes to the overall riding time as I go with this thing. Right now I can't imagine how these guys go 2 1/2 hours on a trainer.
Bottom Line: I HAVE TO DO THIS.
There is not other way to look at it.
Well overlooking the obvious, that he could just bag the whole thing and give me his trainer how can my readership help? Riding a stationary bike is just as boring except for the people about, but sooner or later it ends up being just you and hellish device you've chosen. I have a wall of high def TVs to gaze at in the gym but in the end TV doesn't help me. So I suggested the iPod, that works best for me.
Your thoughts? Since he's home (mostly) alone, maybe porn?
Let me know what
I got to the gym fairly early again today. AT Everest was there ahead of me. Since it's Tuesday Bubbles has laid out a bunch of routines that don't involve cardio. IronMan strolled in as I was finishing up the dynamic warmup so I just had to gab while he pretended to push pedals on a recumbent. Eventually I bored him enough that he made me, MADE ME finish up the routines Bubbles laid out.
We're both disappointed with The Biggest Loser so far. I keep tuning in hoping to see a preview of some insane stunt IronMan will try the next day but all we're getting is crybaby whining ::rolls eyes::
goodMood and awesomeGirl showed up. awesomeGirl was a bit cranky and called me a bad name when I was trying to help her do an exercise properly. Bubbles was in the full grip of allergies looking all H1N1 while showing AT Everest a new program. Bubbles is now at the halfway mark of her pregnancy and proud of her ever increasing belly. An odd point of view for a trainer but she's probably ravaged with hormones at the moment.
Have a great day!

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