I am beyond edgy and starting to wonder what the straw will be. Everyday the tension is ratcheted up a notch, the pressure incrementally building but never abating. Not yet. What will the straw be? A casual back talk from one of my kids delivered like a thousand others that certainly wont merit the ensuing explosion of Mt. Bill? Some innocuous comment by my wife? I hate these Zulu Dawn feelings, I can identify most of the pressure points but there just seem to be so many of them that it's pointless, let them overrun me - stupid Zulu Problems. It's either that or I have to man up and start picking them off, one by one.
It's just me and AT Everest in the gym. I flipped a TV on but could care less about today's pack of lies. The weather's been great and I can't ride my bike. I HAVE NO TIME FOR THAT. It's annoying. I've finally jacked my HR up to where I want it and my bitchy thighs aren't buying into my promise of a serious stretch after we get off this thing. There's no music, just Everest's quiet pants and porno Bill, sheesh I'm doing it again. I was hoping to get into the zone for quiet contemplation of probably nothing but at least not focused on this pain, this work of getting through twenty lousy minutes. If my cadence isn't above 90 the whole thing doesn't feel right, I finally level out at eight and around a 91 cadence which feels right.
awesomeGirl strolls in and I give her a bleary wave. She starts doing her thing and I'm finally in cool down. I hop off the bike, deliver the promised serious stretch, grab the BOSU ball and start hammering through ABS.
It's incredibly quiet in the gym. AT Everest has wandered off and there's no music, just me and awesomeGirl pondering our own thoughts, thing is, I'm not thinking nothin' just feeling the Zulu Problems amass outside the gym, waiting their turn.
awesomeGirl is doing some weird Bubbles inspired lunge where you lunge forward off a step, turn your upper body ninety degrees, turn back and push yourself back up on the step while holding weights. She's worried about falling. It's one of those exercises where you don't think you're doing anything and all of a sudden you have improved balance.
I'm doing BOSU Russian Twists when awesomeGirl falls on her butt. She's OK but decides to put on some music and get rid of the step.
I wrap up the ABS, say good morning to Bubbles and head out into the Zulu Dawn. There are even more Zulu Problems now. Figures.
While I'm getting what will certainly be many cups of caffeine today two ghostPeople approach relaying the latest indignity delivered by a company that leases office space from us. They guard their parking spaces with a zeal approaching that of Daffy Duck with a pearl.
Apparently Security Officer TooMuchTimeOnMyHands decided to issue them 'tickets' for parking in clearly labeled gym parking spaces at 4:15am. A time when the lot is near capacity, if four cars is near capacity, including the security guys.
The 'ticket' informs the ghostPeople that if they're employees of this company that leases from us they better get a car sticker within a week or they're gonna get towed, no and if or buts about it.
Well the ghostPeople are full of and ifs and buts and give Security Officer TooMuchTimeOnMyHands an earful of them including the fact that they've been employed at the company his company leases from since the dawn of time and they were parked in the clearly marked gym parking spaces. Security Officer TooMuchTimeOnMyHands offers to tear up the 'tickets' but the ghostPeople are having none of it. No, this matter shall now proceed up the corporate ladder so he can continue to enjoy being read the riot act on each and every rung of it! They have a point, in fact they have several but at a minimum no one should be issuing 'tickets' at 4:15 in the morning in empty parking lots no matter where you park. You're just asking for trouble. In needs to be resolved if merely for morale purposes otherwise we're gonna start egging each others offices and that's a lose lose for us since we own both buildings.

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