There's this one Zulu Problem. It's the root of all my and many other folks pain. Thing is we can't find the squirrely fiend, but he's out there - oh yes indeedy! He/she/it pops up about every other day, wrecks havoc and then is gone, leaving some Terminator vibe of "I'll be back!" I'm doing the best I can to cope and Bubbles helped with that a bit this morning, showing off her new wheels.
My wife has been super helpful and supportive and she's dealing with a different set of Zulu problems. So... we'll see how all of this pans out. Hopefully in this blog and not on the front pages of your local newspaper. Tutu wearing madman, reading from The Second Coming, refuses to leave building. Cuz heads up, if I'm going down it's gonna be in a tutu shrieking, "Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world!" mmhmm
Today I worked on the Thursday variation of the total body. I decided to focus on Bubbles dynamic warm up and time it. Twenty minutes! And I wasn't my usual yappy self, OK there was yapping, but not yapping. So I view my warm up as a mini-workout.
awesomeGirl flat out refused to do some I Love Lucy inspired pratfall which was a bit of a downer and IronMan scoffed at the steps and amused himself by jumping up on one of the benches. He made it look too easy but wouldn't try it with a BOSU ball on the thing. Maybe next week.
I'm now trying to pop off little Zulu Problems in some vain attempt at stemming the tide. As I gaze from my lofty sandcastle turret I'm in slightly better spirits. These walls are bound to hold! Maybe today will be drama free.
Hey, a boy can dream.

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