It took me forty. Maybe by Friday I'll have it down to thirty :-)
It's intense (for me) and I felt it :-)
Warm-up: Push-up/Jumping jack progression (Working from 1-10 and 10-1)
Set 1:
A. Five 1-minute stations as follows:
- 1 minute jog around gym
- 1 minute Squat Jumps
- 1 minute jog around gym
- 1 minute Squat Jumps
- 1 minute mountain climbers
Set 2:
A. Four 1-minute stations as follows:
- Medicine Ball Russian Twists
- Line Run (should take less than 30 seconds)
- run from end line to 10’ line, back to end line
- run to mid-court, back to end line
- run to opposite 10’ line, back to end line
- run to opposite end line, back to end line
- Medicine ball squat jump toss
- Shuffles
Set 3:
A. Wall Sit (1 Minute) and Walking Lunge (1 Minute)
B. 1 minute Biceps Curls
Set 4:
A. Repeat Sequence (1 Minute): DB Sumo squat, squat, narrow squat
B. 1 minute split-stance bent over rows
Set 5:
A. Elbow Plank (1 Minute)
B. Alternating Superman’s (1 Minute)
Have a great day!

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