- Still locked out of own locker - check
- Start of head cold (I'll never be trendy enough to get H1N1) - check
- Unreasonably irritable last night - check
I was grateful there were no females around at that time of the morning. It would be cruel to unnecessarily arouse them, I'm a married man after all. I grab a tissue and clean up before unloading the bike and getting ready for today's fun.
I need to find cycles so that I can put up Bubbles' routine(s) for me. It's practically art and I hope it will help me shed these final ten pounds and put me on the next challenge of keeping it off. I've been at this for eight months.
This is hard.
I'm tired.
I glance at Thursday's workout and realize I can't match half of the cryptic names to the routines.
1 Leg SB Curls
OK, 'SB' means stability ball... I begin forming the mental image of yours truly perched on top of one like a flamingo, holding two dumbbells for curling. I don't recall Bubbles having me do that when she walked me through this a week ago... she did with a BOSU... maybe... I eye the stability ball nervously.
awesomeGirl, IronMan and goodMood are drawing blanks. I'm not too concerned, Bubbles is due in shortly to introduce awesomeGirl to a new circle of hell. I'll ask her then. I work on the routines I recall, doing one backwards so I had to do that one again.
Bubbles shows me and I get through that sorta OK.
My wife cracked like a fine china plate last night giving in to our daughter's plea for a dog. Her rear tire flatted on her bike and that repair didn't go well... and I'm moody Bill with a head cold. The dog's going to happen and I'm resigned to it and actually kinda looking forward to it, if you want unquestioning love you can't go wrong with a dog. And I know my wonderful daughter will grow weary of the morning walks, and then walks in general and I'll have to man up for that but secretly I kinda want to. Still, along with one kid starting high school and another starting middle school it's just another egg to juggle.
It's all good!
Except for this cold...
Not a bad August for me and the bike.

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